Dedicated Resources: Public IP Addresses and VLANs per Tenant

1. High level requirement

In CloudStack today, there is no way to dedicate a set of Public IP Addresses and VLANs on a per tenant. Admins can only define a set of VLANs and multiple public IP Ranges during Zone creation. This feature is to allow admins to dedicate (reserve) Public IP Addresses and VLANs on a per tenant basis.


Use Case:

  1. Admins would like to reserve a fixed set of VLANs and a set of Public IP Addresses for a tenant. This is for a MSP type of  use case.

2. Requirements:

  • Allow admins to reserve a VLAN range and Public IP Address range from an Advanced Zone and assign it to a Domain/Account.
  • Allow admins to un-assign a VLAN and Public IP Address range to an Domain/Account
  • Usage must reflect if these are assigned to an Account so the admin can see how many IPs are allocated to the account.
  • On allocation it needs to check whether the required range is available (not in use) and conforms with the account limits (cannot allocate more IPs than maximum IPs per account).

3. UI / UX Requirements

  • UI should be changed to allow admins to assign Public IP Address range and VLAN ID range to a Domain/Account.

4       Upgrade Scenarios

Following upgrade scenarios should be supported:

  • No upgrade scenarios need to be handled, as this is a new functionality.

5       Non-Requirements

  • None

6       Bugs

7       Open Items:

  • None
  • No labels