
Customers with CloudStack and Cisco UCS servers should be able to easily provision new blades into CloudStack for use with baremetal OS.  The goal is to make expansion of the cloud trivial by leveraging the programmability of the UCS converged infrastructure and CloudStack’s knowledge of the cloud architecture and ability to orchestrate. Although baremetal is supported with CS, this enhancement is to automatically understand the UCS environment, server profiles etc. to make it easy for deploying OS on a Cisco UCS environment


- Support baremetal provisioning of various Linux flavors as well as Windows

- Server Baremetal prov support on Basic zone only

- Support for Server Groups (and EIP, FW, ELB) on Basic Zone

- Support primary storage (volume mount), secondary storage, volume, snapshot

- provide remote console access to baremetal servers

- baremetal prov for Linux flavors using pxeboot/kickstart

- baremetal provisioning for Windows possible using PING

- CS management server can connect/communicate with UCS manager to understand the available server to use for baremetal as well as selection of UCS server profiles

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