IP Range reservation within a Network

1. High level requirement

In CloudStack today in advanced zone, a IP Address Range or a CIDR is assigned to a network when the network is defined. CloudStack VR uses the complete IP Range for assigning IP Addresses to the Guest VMs.  In some cases, customers would have non-CloudStack controlled VMs or Physical Server on the same Network.  These non-CloudStack VMs or Physical Server would need to share the same IP Address range that is being provided to the Guest VMs.

2. Requirements:

  • On Network creation, allow users to specify a IP Address Range or part of the CIDR that should not be allocated by the DHCP service of VR to the guest VMs created via CloudStack. Once these IP Addresses are reserved, admins can add additional VMs or Physical Servers outside of CloudStack and assign them the reserved IP Addresses and add them to the same network.

3. UI / UX Requirements

  • UI should allow for admins/end-users to block a list of IP Addresses.

4       Upgrade Scenarios

Following upgrade scenarios should be supported:

  • No upgrade scenarios need to be handled, as this is a new functionality.

5       Non-Requirements

  • None

6       Bugs

7       Open Items:

  • None
  • No labels