
This documents gives an overview to the design and functional implementation for Internal Load Balancing on VPC tiers.

Feature developers:

  • APIs and Business logic - Alena Prokharchyk
  • Backend - TBA
  • UI - TBA


  • Internal LB - the load balancing between internal (guest) cloudStack networks
  • Internal LB Rule- Load balancer rule with the front end IP from Internal (Guest) cloudStack network.
  • Internal LB VM - cloudStack system vm managing internal LB Rules

Use case

There are 2 tiers in the VPC - Web tier and Application tier. Traffic to Web tier is balanced on the VPC VR on the public side. User wants traffic coming from Web to the App tier to be balanced as well. Load balancing on the App tier will be covered by the Internal LB feature.

Internal LB can be handled by 1 network provider:

  • InternalLBVm - have to add support for this provider first.

The pic below is for the case when InternalLBVm is used as a provider for the LB service on internal tier:

  1. Public LB rule for Public IP, public port 80 and private port 81. It enables LB for traffic coming from the internet to the vms on the Web tier. The LB rule is configured on the VPC VR.
  2. Internal LB rule #1 for guest IP, loadBalancerPort 23 and instancePort 25. The LB rule is configured on InternalLBVM1.
  3. Internal LB rule #2 for guest IP, loadBalancerPort 45 and instancePort 46. The LB rule is configured on InternalLBVM1.
  4. Internal LB rule #3 for guest IP, loadBalancerPort 23 and instancePort 25. The LB rule is configured on InternalLBVM2.

General flow

1) Enable Internal LB on VPC tier

In order to have Internal Load Balancing support on VPC tier, the tier has to be created from the network offering with:

  • Service=LB, Provider=InternalLbVm, LB service capability "lbSchemes" with the value "Internal"
  • Before creating the network, enable InternalLbVm element/provider on the physical network using configureInternalLoadBalancerElement and updateNetworkServiceProvider APIs. The cloudStack UI will enable the element/provider automatically as a part of physical network creation, so these instructions are only for the case when APIs are called directly, omitting the UI. 
Java code changes
  • interface - add new capability for the LB service - lbSchemes. It will have 2 values - Internal and Public.
  • Introduce new Network Element - InternalLBVm. This provider supports only 1 service - LB, and its supportedLbMode capability can be Internal only. We need a new network element because Internal LB Vm will have different number of nics from the regular CS system vm (Guest and Control only); and its lifecycle will be different as well. The Vm will be started not when network gets implemented, but when the new IP gets acquired from the Guest Network for the Load Balancer rule.
  • Introduce new classes InternalLBNetworkApplianceManager/InternalLBNetworkApplianceService/InternalLBNetworkApplianceManagerImpl - for managing Internal Load Balancer vms. 

Backend changes

Existing VR template will be used by the Internal LB vm. The same HA proxy settings as on the regular VR, will be setup on the Internal LB vm. 

Web Services API

Changes to existing Apis: list/createNetworkOffering APIs will return new parameters in the response - internal_lb and public_lb:. The parameters' type is boolean.

New APIs:

Api Name

Request Parameters

Response parameters

Available to regular user


nspid(required) - network service provider UUID

  • id
  • nspid
  • enabled
  • type (always has value of internal_lb_vm)



  • id (required) - id of the element
  • enabled(required, boolean) 

the same response as of createInternalLoadBalancerElement



  • id
  • nspid
  • enabled

the same response as of createInternalLoadBalancerElement



DB changes
  • New fields to network_offerings table - "internal_lb" and "public_lb". Not null, default value is 0.
  • Changes to unique key in ntwk_service_map table. The unique key is service/provider/network_id instead of service/network_id. Now network have multiple providers for the same service - LB - as in the future we might support public/internal LB service handled by the separate providers on the same network

2) Create Load Balancer Rule 

Java code changes

  • Add new manager - ApplicationLoadBalancerManagerImpl. This class will be responsible for managing Internal LB rules in this release. In the future it will support Public lb rules as well.
  • The LBRule can be created with or without specifying the source IP address. If no source IP address is specified, the new one will get acquired automatically from the sourceIpNetworkId specified in createLoadBalancer command

If provider is InternalLBVM:

  • A new InternalLBVM should be spanned as soon as new source IP address is acquired by the LB rule. This code should be handled by InternalLoadBalancerVMManager. See more details on the VM in "InternalLBVM management and life cycle" section.
  • There is going to be 1 Internal LB vm spanned per guest IP address participating in the Internal Load Balancing. If more rules are added for the same IP, they will be managed on the same InternalLBVM.

Netscaler VPX:

  • Netscaler VPX is not supported as Internal LB provider in this release. It will be supported only as a Public LB provider.
Backend changes

Internal LB vm: the same HA proxy configuration as on the regular VR, will be used on the Internal LB vm. QA, use the same methods for verifying if the LB rules are set on the backend as you do when test VR.

Web Services API

Introduce new APIs

API Name

Request Parameters

Response parameters

Available to regular user


  • name (required, unique) - name of the LB
  • displayText (required) - display text of the LB
  • networkId (required) - the guest network id the Load Balancer belongs to. 
  • sourceIpAddressNetworkId (required) - the Guest network Id where sourceIp address of the LB belongs to.
  • sourceIpAddress (optional) - source IP address. Has to be specified with sourceIpNetworkId. If not specified, the IP address will be required from the network
  • scheme (required) - supported values Internal/Public
  • algorithm (required)
  • sourcePort (required)
  • instancePort (required)

LoadBalancer object:
* id

  • name
  • displayText
  • networkId
  • algorithm
  • sourceIpAddressNetworkId
  • sourceIpAddress
  • scheme (Public/Internal)
  • list of LoadBalancerRules objects
  • list of LoadBalancerInstance objects
    LoadBalancerRule object:
  • sourcePort
  • instancePort
    LoadBalancerInstance object:
  • instanceId
  • instanceName



  • id (required) - load balancer id
  • true/false



  • id
  • name
  • networkId
  • sourceIpAddressNetworkId
  • sourceIpAddress
  • scheme

list of LoadBalancer objects (see the structure in createLoadBalancer command description)


DB changes

  • Added new fields to load_balancing_rules table: source_ip_address, source_ip_address_network_id, scheme (accepts Internal and Public values)
  • DB upgrade: for all existing LB rules, fields source_ip_address and source_ip_address_network_id fields remain null. "scheme" should be updated with Public value

3) Attach VM to the Load Balancer

Existing API are going to be used to assign/remove vm to/from the load balancer



Internal Load Balancing rules management in Network

For Public LB rule, whenever a new LB rule is created, we re-send all the existing LB rules for the network, to the network elements. It would be a bit different when it comes to managing Internal LB rules.

  • When new Public LB rule is created, only Public LB rules for the network should be resend to the network elements. Internal Lb rules are managed separately.
  • During the network restart, we first resend all the Public LB rules, and then Internal
  • When internal Lb rule is created for IP1, we resend only all the rules for IP1 to the internal lb element. Internal LB rules for other IPs in the network, are not being re-send.

How to list Guest IP addresses allocated for LB purpose

At the moment, cloudStack doesn't expose any API for listing IP addresses from the guest network. You see all the ip addresses allocated by the load balancers by executing the following command:

listLoadBalancers&scheme=Internal&networkId=<Id of the network the load balancer belongs to>

Internal Load Balancing Vm management and life cycle

1) The InternalLBVM will be created with 2 interfaces: eth0 - linkLocal (private in VMWare case), eth1 - the IP address of the LB rule. The vm will get created from the Virtual Router template and Service offering named "System Offering For Internal LB VM". If you want to use another service offering for internal lb creation, change the global config "internallbvm.service.offering" from NULL value to not NULL valid service offering id.

2) InternalLBVM will be managed by InternalLoadBalancerVMManager

3) InternalLBVM life cycle:

  • Create: InternalLBVM gets created when the first User VM gets assigned to any of the Load Balancer of the IP address
  • Destroy: InternalLBVM gets destroyed when the last Load Balancer is removed for the IP address
  • Stop/Start: InternalLBVM can be stopped/started using new APIs stopInternalLoadBalancerVM/startInternalLoadBalancerVM
  • List: InternalLBVM can be listed with ListSystemVMs API

4) To stop/start/list internal lb vm, use new stop/start/listInternalLoadBalancer API commands.

Web Services API






force(optional, defaulted to false if not specified)

internalloadbalancervm object having parameters (the same parameters regular VR vm has):




the same as the above



id - list by id
name - list by name
podId - list by podId the internal LB vm belongs to
hostId - list by hostId where internal LB VM runs
state - list by state
zoneId - list by zoneId
vpcId - list by VPC id
forVpc (boolean) - list only internal LB vms that belong to vpc

the same as the above


DB Changes

As a part of the DB upgrade, following needs to be done:

  • new service offering with unique name "System Offering For Internal LB VM" should get inserted to the DB
  • new global config paramter "internallbvm.service.offering" should be inserted with NULL value.


  • Internal and Public Lb are mutually exclusive on a network/tier. If the tier has LB on the public side, then it can't have the Internal LB
  • Supported just on VPC networks in 4.2 release.
  • Only InternalLB vm can act as Internal LB provider in 4.2 release
  • Network upgrade is not supported from the network offering with Internal LB to the network offering with PublicLb.



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