we will hold co-meetup between DolphinScheduler(incubator) and Doris(incubator) community. and the agenda as follows

date:  2020-07-25 14:00

14:00 - 14:40 Introduction of Doris core features - pre-aggregation engine and materialized view
    《Doris核心功能介绍--预聚合引擎和物化视图》 缪翎,百度研发工程师,Doris PPMC

 14:40 - 15:10 Distributed task management platform, making job submit easier
    《分布式作业管理平台,让作业提交变得更简单》 李杰,奇安信大数据研发工程师,主要参与DolphinScheduler和Flink的开发与维护

 15:10 - 15:50 Doris global dictionary design and implementation based on hive table
    《Doris基于hive表的全局字典设计与实现 》  王博,美团点评数据开发工程师,主要参与Doris和Kylin的开发与维护

 15:50 - 16:30 DolphinScheduler architecture evolution journey
    《DolphinScheduler架构演进之旅》   乔占卫,易观大数据平台技术专家,DolphinScheduler PPMC

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