ALC Chair

The ALC Chair will be responsible for ensuring:

  1. The quarterly report is filed by all the ALC Chapters.
  2. Pre-event materials are reviewed with the help of PMC.
  3. ComDev PMC will reach out to ALC Chair for $reasons.

ALC Chapter Lead

Each ALC Chapter will have one Chapter Lead and will have the following roles and responsibilities.

  1. Making sure the ALC Code of Conduct is followed by their ALC Chapter.
  2. All the events organized by the ALC Chapter are following the Guidelines to organise ALC Event.
  3. Submit the status report to ComDev ( in every three months based on their reporting cycle.
    (keep your other ALC Chapter members in CC.)
  4. The Chapter activities are in line with ALC Roles and Responsibilities.
  5. Chapter Lead will be the point of contact for the respective ALC Chapter.

ALC Chapter Member

  1. Making sure the ALC Code of Conduct is followed by ALC Chapter.
  2. Making sure all the events organized by the ALC Chapter are following the Guidelines to organise ALC Event.
  3. Contribute to activities that are in line with ALC Roles and Responsibilities.
  4. Help in preparing the status report to ComDev in every three months based on their reporting cycle.
  5. As the Chapter Members have edit rights to Confluence, keep updated all the information available in the Chapter's space, like Reports, respective events detail pages.
  6. Maintain the ALC Resources document.

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