
  • Four  different email accounts
    • One will be used to request a tenant from the Custos (This is the default tenant admin or we can name it as University CIO)
    • Email account for a professor
    • Email account for a student
    • Email account for a teaching  assistant

A.  Sample Canvas Scenario

           We have a sample canvas integrated with Custos to simulate student, teaching assistant, and professor assignment management use-case.

      a) Professor will create an assignment and share it with "viewer"  permission to student and TA group.

      b) Students will do submission and share it with the professor and TA group.

      c) TA will Grade the submission and share it with the "editor" permission to Professor.

      d) Professor will release final grades with "viewer" permission.

B. Workflow

     Step 1: Federated Authentication

           a)  Login to the sample canvas .

                  1) Click on Institution Login

               2)  Select your Institutional Identity Provider and insert credentials

              3) You will be logged into the Sample Canvas home page, but you don't have any authorized access.



Step 2: Role-based Authorization

You need to have one of the roles assigned from Student, TA, or Professor to get an authorized view.  Tenant admin will assign different roles to different users. Based on the role you will have a different view

  Tenant admin  need to  do the following operations

  • create roles → student, research-assistant, professor 
  • Assigned roles to users.        

     a).  Professor view

     b). Student view

    c). TA View 

Step3: Group-based authorization         

 Next, we need to implement more fine-grain sharing rules for assignment, submission, and grading.  Tenant admin will do the following operations in the tenant.

  • Create Permission Types→ EDITOR, VIEWER
  • Create Groups→ student group, the teaching assistant group

Next, the tenant admin will point the student group and teaching assistant group to the sample canvas. Once those are configured Professor can create an assignment, students can submit submissions, and TAs can grade the submissions.

a) Professor creates an assignment 


c) Student view an assignment

  d) Student do a submission

e) TA view submission and add grading

g) Professor release final grades

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