UI Mockup



Application & Feature


Each site contains multi applications. Application works for different monitoring purpose. Add there is no communication between applications. For example, Eagle Dam is a application for security monitoring.

Each application is made up with serval features. And feature can share between applications. Feature does the basic job of the application. For example, Policies & Alerts in Eagle DAM is the base feature. Each application includes customized application using this feature wills both display the policies & Alerts in navigation bar. If you want to extend the application, you can customize feature. But avoid modify original feature for special usage.

UI Metadata

Feature Description Service

Features description and look-up service

  • Service Name: FeatureDescService
  • Table name: eagleFeatureDesc
TagsfeatureStringfeature name/id
FieldsdescStringFeature description
 versionStringversion number

Application Description Service

Describe how many applications that eagle currently supports, so that user could know how many applications are able to be selected from for certain site.

  • Service Name: ApplicationDescService
  • Table name: eagleApplicationDesc
TagsapplicationStringapplication name/id
FieldsdescStringapplication description
 groupStringapplication group type. Will merge into one group in UI

display name

 featuresList<String>features name/id
 configStringresource resolver config for front end

Site Description Service

  • ServiceName: SiteDescService
  • TableName: eagleSiteDesc
TagssiteStringsite name/id

Site Application Service

Like AlertDataSourceEntity

  • ServiceName: SiteApplicationService
  • TableName: eagleSiteApplication
TagssiteStringsite name/id
 applicationStringapplication name/id
FieldsconfigStringdata source configuration
 enabledBooleanenable or not


/module/siteApplication  POST

create/update site and siteApplication entities

/module/site? site={siteName}  DELETE

delete site by siteName

/module/application?application={applicationName}  DELETE

delete application by applicationName

/module/feature?feature={featureName}  DELETE

delete feature by featureName

/entities?query={query-string}&pageSize=1000  GET

get entities by service name

/entities?serviceName={serviceName}  POST

create/update entities by service name


  • No labels