Eagle Docker

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  1. how to create streams to monitor hadoop JMX metrics.

    i follow docs from http://eagle.apache.org/docs/jmx-metric-monitoring.html to configuration my eagle service.

    but the docs is guide by HDP.sandbox, i can't get some help to CDH cluster or apache hadoop cluster.

    so i analyze the example shell script,and configuration JMX metrics data put to kafka topics has successed. but when i use eagle UI , 

    i create a new application and site is ok , But when i create new policy i got a problem. in create policy step 1,to choose streams,  the streams are only have `hdfsAuditLogEventStream`.

    i realize maybe the new streams data must have new streams to binding. 

    but i can't see any botton to create a new streams or any guide from docs.

    i see the example shell script,to create streams is use the HTTP API  but i find help from doc is can't get help too.

    API doc is simple too.


    so,the issue all is:

    1. The doc is so simple. For example :  http://eagle.apache.org/docs/jmx-metric-monitoring.html  how to monitor JMX metrics. is always guide by HDP.sandbox. can't get any help with CDH cluster or apache hadoop.
    2. how to create streams to monitor hadoop JMX metrics. i finish the metrics to kafka topic .but the follow i need help. tks all guys.



    how to create streams to monitor hadoop JMX metrics.

  2. I also have a similar issue. I have integrated eagle 0.5 with HDP 2.5. All applications have been started but i cant see any metrics related to hdfs/jobs/server. One thing i noticed is that no consumer was created in kafka by eagle. Do we have to created a consumer for eagle? If so how??

  3. I encountered the following error:


    WARN [2018-03-06 02:03:55,799] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.ExclusiveExecutor: failed to run exclusive executor
    ! java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: not supported yet!
    ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.TopologyMgmtService.creatTopology(TopologyMgmtService.java:72) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
    ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.strategies.SameTopologySlotStrategy.reserveWorkSlots(SameTopologySlotStrategy.java:102) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]
    ! at org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.impl.WorkQueueBuilder.createQueue(WorkQueueBuilder.java:54) ~[eagle-topology-0.5.0-assembly.jar:na]



    I checked the source code and find :

    * TODO: call topology mgmt API to create a topology.
    public TopologyMeta creatTopology() {
    // TODO
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported yet!");

    I do not know how to solve it。

    Who can help me?




  4. I am working on Apache Eagle, Proof Of Concept. I  downloaded the  Eagle Version 0.5.0  on my HDP 2.6 test cluster. I am able to  finally build the source code(via mvn clean install -DskipTests) and  run the  Eagle  using ./bin/eagle-server.sh start . However the  Eagle GUI does not  come up at loalhost:9090  It say "Laoding .." forever. Can any one  provide  a hint about how  to debig  further. My Ambari  GUI for the cluster at  localhost:8080 is  running fine with all needes services ( HDFS, STORM,  KAFka..). 

    Sent e-mail to :  dev@eagle.apache.org  on 2/12 :  No Reply

  5. Tushar shah I replied your email in the mailing list, could you pls. have a look for my email?

  6. @Hao Chen. Thank you very much. for the  replyI  got the same notification at my personal  account used  to register for this confluence (Personal e-mail TusharInTech@gmail.com). However I am not sure where to locate the mailing list.   I  subscribed via user-subscribe@eagle.apache.org  as well. I can not  see  reply at    https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@eagle.apache.org:2019-02 , Not sure  how to retrieve your reply,  The Notification here as well as at my personal e-mail  has same content as the following

    ""Hao Chen

    Tushar shah I replied your email in the mailing list, could you pls. have a look for my email?""

    Waiting  further to  retrieve  your reply. 

    1. I am still waiting to figure out how to retrieve your reply from the mailing list, 

  7. I located  Hao Chen's reply at  https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@eagle.apache.org  asking for more information.  I replied in details   at 'dev@eagle.apache.org'. 

    Apache GUI is not  getting loaded. I attachedt he Serve .log. 

    "Hi Hao Chen.

     Backround: This is what I did:

    I am  following  the  instructions here.



    I downloaded  Eagle  version 0.5 souce code  from here   at http://101-02-08-node1.internal.bigtdata.io:8080/#/login


    https://github.com/apache/eagle.git   to my   Ambari  Linux  server node  running  A cluster.


    I compiled the code successfully  using  “mvn clean install –DskipTests”


    After build the source code, and a tar.gz package is enerated under eagle-server-assembly/target  as   per https://eagle.apache.org/docs/latest/getting-started/#deployment


    I successfully serve the Eagle

    ./bin/eagle-server.sh start




    When I check the eagle server , It says in “loading” mode forever. The full GUI does not het loaded.

    I have also attached the server log from in the text file



    I essentially do not see in log any error  except repeats of “NFO  [2019-02-21 15:20:49,462] org.apache.eagle.alert.coordinator.trigger.DynamicPolicyLoader: No policy (totally 0) changed since last round"