This section contains some project drafts and other ideas that come up during discussions.

If you find something interesting that you can contribute, please volunteer at!

Podcast Interviews

  • Create some episodes on the FeatherCast ( about diversity and inclusion.
  • Rich Bowen is responsible for the podcast. We can reach him to set a schedule once we have a list of interested people to participate.

Mentoring in the Diversity initiative

  • If we have mentors that represent a minority, it can increase the representativity and make others more comfortable to join.
  • Many people from minority groups don't know or are afraid to start by themselves. Having someone to help take the first step is a well-known way to achieve a more diverse community (ASyncAPI case)
  • We could create a program to mentor people about where to start in tech, career advisors, indication of projects to volunteer, etc.

Collab with the ASyncAPI community for a mentoring program

  • The ASyncAPI is a community that connect many API developers around the world. They are growing and have good DEI mindset, and some good success cases we can get inspired.
  • Some folks on their community would love to contribute to Apache, but they think the org is  "to big" and don't know where to start.
  • We could create a mentoring project to help them to identify which projects they can start volunteering.
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