To use the stateless isis token in a microservice you need to follow these steps

  • Add anubis to your class path. And anubis-test to your tests class path.
  • Annotate your configuration with @EnableAnubis. For example


> @EnableAnubis
public class ExampleConfiguration {}
  • Add @Permittable to those endpoints which you wish to provide tenant token protected access to. For example:


@RequestMapping(value = "/dummy", method = RequestMethod.GET)
> @Permittable(value = AcceptedTokenType.TENANT, groupId = PermittableGroupIds.DUMMY_MANAGEMENT)
public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Void> readPermittableResource() {
return ResponseEntity.accepted().build();
  • Use the SecurityMock in your tests to mock a system token for initialize: (Be sure to also EnableApiFactory and use the api factory to get a feign client for your service so that the api factory interceptors can do their magic.) See the template project for an up-to-date example of how to do this.
  • Use the SecurityMock in your tests to mock a user token for calls into tenant-specific service functionality. See the template project for an up-to-date example of how to do this.
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