Name of the Summit

Flex Summit 
FlexJS Summit

Christofer Dutz

Josh Tynjala

Day of the Summit

Tuesday 16.05.2017Christofer Dutz 
Wednesday 17.05.2017Christofer Dutz 
Thursday 18.05.2017Christofer Dutz 

Descriptional Text

Even if FlexJS is a sub-project of the Apache Flex project, it's where more than 90% of our development efforts goes to.

With FlexJS we are going to remove the hard requirement on the Flash Player and make it possible to build Flex applications targeted directly at the browser. With FlexJS we not only have the ability to write JavaScript application in a strongly typed manner, we also provide a way out of the dead-end for teams that have been developing in Flex. Prior to FlexJS the only option for Flex applications to be ported to the browser, was to learn a new language, get used to new tools and frameworks and rewrite them from scratch. With FlexJS we offer a shortcut.

The Flex team is preparing on releasing the FlexJS in version 1.0 and we will be using this summit to get new people on board, to get input from our users towards which features are really needed for a 1.0 and to sync our team towards our common goal. 

Come join us, if you want to be a part of this great community and help us prepare the next big thing in web-development.


TopicMini descriptionSpeaker
Introduction in FlexJSWhat is FlexJS? How do you use it? Little introduction in FlexJS and working with Beads and Strands and the new concepts???

Apache FlexJS Web Application Development with Visual Studio Code

 Learn to set up an environment for developing and debugging Apache FlexJS applications in Visual Studio Code. Install the required tools, create a new project, build it, and debug the running application in your web browser.

Josh Tynjala
Something code quality and testing (wink) Justin Mclean 
Building FlexJS applications with MavenHow to setup a FlexJS application to be built with Maven, includes building, unit-testing, integration-testing, documentation, static-code-analysis, ...Christofer Dutz 
Migrating from Flex to FlexJS Harbs (not confirmed)
1.0 Discussion roundDiscussion with the team and others, what we need for the magic-1Piotr Zarzycki
MDL in FlexJS(remote session with a live-hacking session as fallback)Carlos Rovira 

Planned Attendees

NameShirt Size
Christofer DutzM
Josh TynjalaL
Piotr ZarzyckiM
Justin McleanM
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