Your FlexUnit 4 tests can be run in a number of ways. The Basic Test tutorial goes over the method of running it with the tool within Flash Builder 4. Here we will discuss that way as well as a few others in greater details.

Using Test Runner UI

(In Flash Builder 4)

  • Open up your main application file for your Test Project.
  • Import FlexUnitCore and any Tests or Suites you wish to run your imports should look similar to the following:
    import sampleSuite.SampleSuite;
    import sampleSuite.tests.SimpleTest;
    import org.flexunit.runner.FlexUnitCore;
  • You will need to declare a variable for FlexUnitCore which should be private.
  • Create a protected function called startTestProcess.
  • Inside the function you'll want to instantiate core with a new FlexUnitCore.
  • Next you'll need to add a listener to core for the TestRunner class which will display the tests in a UI when run.
  • Then call the method run on core passing the class SampleSuite as an argument.
  • Your startTestProcess method should look like the following.
    private var core : FlexUnitCore;
    protected function startTestProcess():void 
         core = new FlexUnitCore();
         //Listener for the UI
         core.addListener( new UIListener( uiListener ));
          SampleSuite );

Before you can build you will also need to add the following mxml tag for TestRunnerBase named uiListener.

<flexUnitUIRunner:TestRunnerBase id="uiListener"
width="100%" height="100%" />

In order to be certain your tests run on application startup, you'll want to add your function to the creationComplete listener <code>Application</code> tag which should look similar to the following:
     <s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
          minWidth="955" minHeight="600"

At this point you can simply run your tests normally and the browser will display a UI interface with a progress bar and trace window for tests. This interface is identical to the UI runner for Fluint.

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