Installing Falcon and FalconJX

To install the Falcon and FalconJX compilers, install the FlexJS SDK as described here.

Using Falcon to create SWFs

Falcon has almost all of the MXMLC compiler options.  However it does not currently support font embedding.  In addition, there are new compiler options that allow overriding of the classes used by the generated code for data binding, and for generating a different kind of output when compiling MXMLC.


Falcon (SWF Compiler) should support all MXMLC inputs from the regular Flex SDK except the "keep-generated-actionscript" option which I think it just ignores (Falcon does not generate ActionScript from MXML, it goes straight from MXML to ABC).  I think there are some embedded font options that aren't supported either.

In addition, Falcon supports:

-compiler.mxml.children-as-data (true required for FlexJS MXMLC compilation).  It changes the MXML code generation to be a data structure instead of many run-once methods.
-compiler.mxml.implicitImports.  In FlexJS we change the set of classes you don't have to import in your MXML script blocks and event handlers.
-compiler.binding-value-change-event.  The name of the event class the DataBinding subsystem uses for detecting change events
-compiler.binding-value-change-event-type.  The name of the event in the event class.
-compiler.binding-event-handler-event  This is used in code generation for [Bindable] vars
-compiler.binding-event-handler-class  This is used in code generation for [Bindable] vars
-compiler.binding-event-handler-interface  This is used in code generation for [Bindable] vars
-compiler.states-class                     This is used in code generation for states.
-compiler.states-instance-override-class   This is used in code generation for states.
-compiler.states-property-override-class   This is used in code generation for states.
-compiler.states-event-override-class      This is used in code generation for states.
-compiler.states-style-override-class      This is used in code generation for states.
-compiler.component-factory-class      This is used in code generation for fx:Components.
-compiler.component-factory-interface  This is used in code generation for fx:Components.
-compiler.proxy-base-class  This is used in code generation for Proxy
-compiler.allow-subclass-overrides   This does what it says.
-use-flashbuilder-project-files <path to project>.  This has the compiler use most of the settings that Flash Builder uses.  You can use -fb as well.
-isExcludeNativeJSLibraries  This removes the externs swcs from the library path and external library path.  (A.H. I don't think we need this, but not sure.)


So usage is similar to MXMLC.  There are .bat files for Windows and shell scripts for Mac and Linux in the bin folder of the FlexJS SDK.

Using FalconJX to Create HTML/JS/CSS

FalconJX produces the following Java executables:

  1. compc.jar = library compiler
  2. externc.jar = ExternC compiler
  3. jsc.jar = shared code between compc and mxmlc
  4. mxmlc.jar = application compiler

The three jars used for compiling are:

  • mxmlc for standard application compilation
  • compc for creating library SWCs
  • externc for creating swcs from Google-style extern files

In practice, you would use one of the following script (executables) for cross-compiling code in the command line:

  1. asjsc - compiles AS app to JS with JS.swc
  2. asjscompc - compiles AS library to JS with JS.swc
  3. asnodec - compiles AS app to JS with JS.swc and Node.swc
  4. jquery = compiles AS app to JS with JS.swc and Jquery.swc
  5. compc - compiles AS library to JS with FlexJS framework
  6. mxmlc - compiles AS app to JS with FlexJS framework
  7. externc - runs ExternC compiler to compile externs JS files to AS.


FalconJX supports all of the compiler options that Falcon does.  In addition, there are new compiler options for dictating where to find the Google Closure Library code used by some of the generated code, and where to find other JS files to be used in the output.

These are the options that FalconJX adds to Falcon:

-targets                Specify the output format(s). May contain multiple values, separated by commas. JSFlex,SWF is the default for mxmlc. JS is the default for asjsc. JSNode is the default for asnodec.
-source-map             Generate a source map to allow JavaScript debuggers to display and add breakpoints to the original ActionScript and MXML.
-closure-lib  Path to Google Closure Library.  Defaults to a known place in the FlexJS SDK
-sdk-js-lib Path to other folder of JS files to resolve class dependencies
-external-js-lib Path to folder of externs JS files
-strict-publish  Passes Strict option to Google Closure Compiler
-keep-asdoc  Copies ASDoc into JSDoc
-remove-circulars  Tries to eliminate goog.requires from output that causes GCC to error about circular dependencies
-skip-transpile  When used with -debug=false, doesn't generate the bin/js-debug version so you can just pass what is in js-debug to GCC for optimization (in case you manually edited something in js-debug)
-js-compiler-option  Other options to pass to GCC
-js-output-optimization Allowed options: skipFunctionCoercions    skipAsCoercions  These options cause the compiler to not generate calls to and
-js-output-type (Deprecated) Options to change some aspects of the output.  FLEXJS is the default.  Also supported is JSC for "no-SWF" workflows, and NODE.

ExternC arguments

ExternC has different arguments than the main compiler:

-js-root                       Tells ExternC to generate JS instead of AS and place it in the specified folder
-as-root  Tells ExternC to generate AS and place it in the specified folder
-class-to-function  Name of JS classes to output as a Function
-external  Files of externs
-external-externs Similar to -external-library-path for externs. Basically, a way to specify some types that are needed at compile time without including them in the final output.
-exclude (class, name)  Name of method in class to skip
-field-exclude (class, field)  Name of var in class to skip
-class-exclude (class)  Name of class to skip
-named-module  Not sure about this one either.

About js-root:

ExternC parses most JS, including some JS not already formatted as GCC Externs.  Normally it outputs AS.  But sometimes we want it to output true GCC Externs because otherwise GCC will complain.  Eventually, ExternC could parse any JS and be used to generate Externs.

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