Git clients:

Cygwin + git (Windows): - (needed to also install ca-certificates into Cygwin - Gordon...)

git bash (Windows)

TortoiseGit (Windows):

SmartGit (Windows)

SourceTree (Windows/OSX)

Tower (OSX)

Tutorials and other resources

Really easy tutorial which cover in a very clear fashion, the main Git commands:

Reference of "daily" commands:

Git Real (interactive gamified Git tutorial) -

Git Immersion (full length Git tutorial broken up into 'labs') -

Try Git (interactive Git tutorial) -

When moving from SVN to git:

If you want to learn the basics behind git you can try:

Understand what is and how works the index, git add and git commit

On stashing:

On .gitignore:

Pro Git (free online book) -

Git Reference -

A well written document to understand the difference between merge and rebase:

Good and illustrated article to understand the differences between merge, rebase and merge --squash:

Perhaps it explains a little and helps clear the confusion with git:

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