List of API breaking changes



FLINK-2747 TypeExtractor does not correctly analyze Scala Immutables, Solution: NONE YET

FLINK-2888 Copy default state for AbstractHeapKvState, Solution: Pending PR #1289


FLINK-2674 Rework windowing logic, open sub-issues:

  • FLINK-2676 Add abstraction for keyed window state, Solution: WIP (this is internal cleanup only, not related to the release)
  • FLINK-2680 Create a dedicated aligned-event time window operator, Solution: no blocker (this is internal improvements only, not related to the release)


FLINK-2737 KeyedDataStream should not be a subclass of DataStream, Solution: NONE YET

FLINK-2763 Bug in HybridHashJoin: Request to spill partition with less than two buffers, Solution: NONE YET

FLINK-2800 Kryo Serialization Problem, Solution: NONE YET

Restructuring of Maven modules (getting rid of flink-staging), (nice to have, not a blocker)

  • FLINK-2581 Move Python API, Solution: Pending PR #1257

FLINK-1681 Remove Record API (nice to have, not a blocker)

  • FLINK-1982 Remove dependencies in flink-runtime, Solution: Pending PR #1294
  • FLINK-2900 Remove dependencies in hadoop-compat, Solution: Pending PR #1293
  • FLINK-2901 Remove dependencies in flink-test, Solution: NONE YET
  • FLINK-2906 Remove Record API, Solution: NONE YET


FLINK-2902 Web interface sort newest jobs first, Solution: Pending PR #1296

FLINK-2904 Web interface truncates task counts, Solution: NONE YET



FLINK-2236 RowSerializer and CaseClassComparator are not in sync regarding Null-Values, Solution: revert f8e12b20d925c3f6f24769327d1da5d98affa679 (FLINK-2203) and b59c81bc41f0fc4ade5359dfdf42549a76d412fa (FLINK-2210) on master

FLINK-2066 Make delay between execution retries configurable, Solution: Pending PR #1223

FLINK-2833 Unstage Gelly + Module refactoring, Solution: Pending PR #1241

FLINK-2844 Remove the old web interface, Solution: Pending PR #1246

Unstage Streaming + Module refactoring, Solution: NONE YET

FLINK-2206 Web Dashboard shows at most 5 finished jobs, Solution: Pending PR #1287


FLINK-2842 S3FileSystem is broken, Solution: Pending PR #1245

FLINK-2779 Update documentation to reflect new Stream/Window API, Solution: Pending PR #1208

FLINK-2780 Remove Old Windowing Logic and API, Solution: Pending PR #1242

FLINK-2819 Add Windowed Join/CoGroup Operator Based on Tagged Union, Solution: PR pending #1232

FLINK-2550 Rework DataStream API, Solution: Done


FLINK-1610 Java Docs do not build, Solution: PR pending #1225

FLINK-2794 Document exactly-once support for sources and sinks, Solution: Pending PR #1208

FLINK-2813 Document off-heap configuration, Solution: PR pending #1226

FLINK-2767 Add support Scala 2.11 to Scala shell, Solution: Pending PR #1197

FLINK-2561 Sync Gelly Java and Scala APIs, Solution: Pending PR #1211

FLINK-2785 Implement Graph's fromCsvReader in Gelly-Scala, Solution: Pending PR #1205

FLINK-2782 Remove deprecated features for 0.10, open sub-issues

  • FLINK-2784 Remove deprecated config keys, Solution: Pending PR #1244
  • FLINK-2786 Remove Spargel from source code and update documentation in favor of Gelly, Solution: NONE YET

FLINK-2798 Serve static files for the new web frontend from the classloader, Solution: pending PR #1222

FLINK-2728 Add missing features to new web dashboard, open sub-issues

  • FLINK-2730 Add CPU/Network utilization graphs to new web dashboard, Solution: pending PR #1236 (not a blocker)
  • FLINK-2731 Add JobManager log file access, Solution: Pending PR #1233
  • FLINK-2732 Add access to the TaskManagers' log file and out file in the web dashboard, NOT A BLOCKER, Solution: WIP (check)
  • FLINK-2811 Add page with configuration overview, Solution: Pending PR #1219

FLINK-2611 YARN reports failed final state for successful jobs, Solution: Fixed in da071bc

FLINK-2287 Implement JobManager high availability, open sub-issues

  • FLINK-2354 Recover running jobs on JobManager failure, Solution: Pending PR #1153
  • FLINK-2790 Add high availability support for YARN, Solution: Pending PR #1213

FLINK-2887 sendMessageToAllNeighbors ignores EdgeDirection, Solution: Pending PR #1281

FLINK-2893 Rename recovery configuration keys, Solution: Pending PR #1286


FLINK-2810 Warn user if bc not installed, Solution: Pending PR #1228

FLINK-2107 Hash-based OuterJoin strategy, Solution: Pending PR #1262

FLINK-2874 Some Avro generated classes are not recognized as POJOs, Solution: Pending PR #1252

FLINK-2668 Make each project() call a separate operator, Solution: Pending PR #1279

FLINK-2895 Duplicate immutable object creation, Solution: Pending PR #1288



key summary created assignee reporter

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured


key summary assignee reporter

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured


key summary assignee reporter

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured


key summary assignee reporter

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

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