Flink 1.13 Burndown (blockers and critical bugs): https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=445


List of features announced by contributors and committers that are likely to be ready for the feature freeze:

Distributed Coordination

Feature NameProposed byNoteF

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP-156: Runtime Interfaces for Fine-Grained Resource Requirements

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Support ship local/remote files for yarn/k8s integrations.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.


Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP is currently being prepared

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Shengkai FangFLIP is currently being prepared

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP-136: Improve interoperability between DataStream and Table APITimo Walther


Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

DataStream API

Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Seth Wiesman


State Backends

Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Yu LiProposed by YuFei Liu and reviewed by Yu Li

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Python API

Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

API/Python: FLIP-153: Support state access in Python DataStream API


Feature NameProposed byNote

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Usability sprint (2019)
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