Release Dates

  • FLIP Freeze:  (A FLIP must be accepted by this date in order to be considered for this release. Note, any FLIP that may not be implemented in a week, or that might destabilize the release, should be deferred.)
  • Feature Freeze:  (major features merged & working on stabilization, minor features have PR, release branch cut; anything not in this state will be automatically moved to the next release in JIRA)
  • Code Freeze:

The release manager is Dong Lin and Yun Gao .

How to Contribute

Before code freeze:

  • Participate in votes and discussions to land or postpone the open FLIPs.
  • Review patches. The more reviewers, the more content we can fit in.
  • Write unit/integration/system tests.

After code freeze:

  • Write more unit/integration/system tests.
  • Improve documentation.
  • Test the release candidates. 
  • Open blocker JIRAs on critical issues found. Open non-blocker JIRAs on any other issues found.
  • Fix critical bugs.
  • Review bug fixes.
  • Vote on release candidates. Even though only PMC votes are binding, community votes are super important as we evaluate the readiness of the release.

Highlighted Features

  • API and Infrastructure
    • Supported stages requiring multi-input multi-output
    • Supported online learning with APIs exposing model data
    • Improved usability for managing parameters
    • Added tools for composing DAG of stages into a new stage
  • Added stream-batch Unified Iteration Library
  • Algorithm library addition
    • logistic regression
    • k-means
    • k-nearest neighbors
    • Naive Bayes
    • one-hot encoder

Open Issues

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JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

Planned FLIP Content

Note: The planned content is not binding - final content will be based the features committed by branch-cutting date. See Flink Improvement Proposals for the full list of KIPs.

FLIP-173: Support DAG of algorithms (Flink ML)

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP-174: Improve the WithParam interface (Flink ML)

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP-175: Compose Estimator/Model/AlgoOperator from DAG of Estimator/Model/AlgoOperator (Flink ML)

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

FLIP-176: Unified Iteration to Support Algorithms (Flink ML)

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

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