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Released: 1.11

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Similarly to FLIP-93, this Flip aims to ease the interoperability of Flink with popular storage systems like HBase.


We propose to add a `HBaseCatalog` implementation.


`HBaseCatalog` will be a read only catalog that supports the following operations on db and table:

  • database
    • listDatabases (i.e. namespaces)
    • databaseExists
  • table
    • getTable
    • listTables
    • tableExists

Users can only read these objects from databases, but not able to manipulate them yet in this FLIP.


To configure a `HBaseCatalog`, users only need to provide a Map<String, String> tableProperties

  1. connector.zookeeper.quorum
  2. connector.zookeeper.znode.parent
  3. ... (Kerberor authentication or other features could require other props)

default_database will be default to 'default'

Interfaces, Classes, and Modules

classes will be all in flink-HBase module. In particular org.apache.flink.table.catalog.hbase.HBaseCatalog that extends AbstractCatalog

Does HBase support the concept of partitions..? I don't think so..
Does HBase support functions? I don't think so..
Does HBase support statistics? I don't think so..  
Does HBase support views? I don't think so..

Using the catalog

Table API

// java
tEnv.registerCatalog(name, new HBaseCatalog(...))

SQL CLI yaml configs

    - name: ...
      type: hbase
      zk.quorum: host1,host2,host3:2181 (if default port 2181 can be omitted)
      default-database: default # optional, mapped to hbase namespace


Currently HBase connector has dependency version 1.4.3. We rely on the driver itself for backward compatibility. Users can also build jars with their own versions.

The proposed mapping is the following

Flink Catalog Metaspace Structure


catalog name (defined in Flink only)


database name

HBase namespace

table name

table name

The full path of HBase in Flink would be "<catalog>.<db>.<table>"  or simply "<catalog>.<table>"   if using the default namespace

HBase supports only byte[] so every Flink type should be converted into a Byte[].

How do we map column (family:qualifier) to Flink Table columns? 

Column Families are quite complex object in we care about all their properties?

Rejected Alternatives


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