The purpose of this page is to improve the contribution experience in the Apache Flink community.

Improvement ideas

Collect ideas how to improve the contribution experience

  • Introduce a review bot 
  • Introduce a merge bot which automatically merges pull requests
  • Label pull requests
  • automatic closing of stale pull requests

Implemented Improvements

Pull request labels

to be discussed on the Flink list.


  • Review bot: put review status in a label
    • review=none, review=description, review=consensus, review=architecture, review=complete
  • JIRA: forward component as label
    • component=APIs/DataSet, component=APIs/Table, component=Runtime/Network, component=Runtime/distrib-coord, component=none
  • JIRA: forward issue type
    • type=new, type=bug, type=hotfix

Review Bot

The review bot automatically posts a comment on each new pull request to track its review.

The source code of the bot is located in this repository:
Once the bot is out of an initial trial phase, we will consider moving the source code into an Apache repository.

The review bot is using the @flinkbot GitHub Account. Credentials for the bot are available available from Robert Metzger (rmetzger).

The bot is currently (February 2019) hosted on a Google Cloud Compute VM, sponsored by data Artisans.
We plan to migrate the bot to a VM by the ASF.

  • No labels