Welcome to the Apache Geronimo v2.1 documentation. This is a work in progress and the documentation is to be updated frequently based on the newer release.
To help you find the content you are looking for we are separating the documentation in two main groups, User's guide and Developer's guide. In a nutshell, the former is mostly targeted to system administrators and overall users that will be installing and configuring Geronimo and applications. The latter on the other hand is targeted to application developers, the idea is to provide all the info you need to know to develop applications and to get the most of them (and your time) when deploying to Geronimo.
So, how are we doing this? Check this out!
User's guide
- What is changed in 2.1
- Geronimo distributions
- Feature enhancements and additions
Component versions
- Configuration changes
- Backwards compatibility
- Global JNDI for resources and admin objects
Installation and configuration
- Administration
- Administrative Tasks
- Administering applications
- Administering the Apache Geronimo Server
- Configuring security
- Administering certificates
- Administering security realms
- Administering users and groups
- Certificate Properties File Realm
- Certification Authority
- Configuring HTTP header-based authentication
- Configuring Kerberos Realm
- Configuring SSL client authentication
- Database (SQL) Realm
- LDAP Realm
- Properties File Realm
- Using SPNEGO in Geronimo
- Configuring services
- Configuring the Transaction Manager Identity
- Configuring databases in Geronimo
- Configuring Geronimo as a Windows Service
- Configuring Virtual Hosts in Geronimo-Jetty
- Configuring Virtual Hosts in Geronimo-Tomcat
- Geronimo Administration Console
- Running Geronimo
- Tools and commands
- Administrative Tasks
- Deployment
- Plugin infrastructure
- What are the plugins?
- Enhancements from previous releases
- Plugin infrastructure/architecture
- plugin.xml
- Plugins install
- Pluggable console
- GShell commands option
- Tooling
- Devtools
- Geronimo eclipse plugin
- j2g
- Devtools
- Migrating to Apache Geronimo
- Best Practices Tomcat to Geronimo Migration
- Deployment descriptor changes for going from G 1.1 to G 2.1
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-BMP Migration (Unverified on 2.1)
- JBoss to Geronimo - EJB-Session Beans Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Hibernate Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - JDBC Migration
- JBoss to Geronimo - Servlets and JSPs Migration
- Migrating with the J2G Migration Tool
- Clients
- Servlets/EJBs/AppClients
- Standalone Clients
- Troubleshooting
- Sample Applications
- app-per-port - Running multiple web apps on different ports
- bank - EJB sample application
- calculator - Using EJB 3.0 Functions
- customer - Simple ejb application with a JPA entity
- dbtester - DB Pool Testing sample application
- inventory - Simple Database Access Application
- jaxws-calculator - Simple Web Service with JAX-WS
- jms-mdb - JMS and MDB Sample Application
- ldap-sample-app - LDAP Sample Application
- myphonebook - Very Simple Entity EJB Example
- mytime - Very Simple Session EJB Example
- not-in-svn - Inbound JCA example
- sendmail - Using Geronimo's Default JavaMail Session
- timereport - Web Application Security Sample
Developer's guide
Development environment
- Geronimo architecture
- JEE spec compliance
- Components/modules
- Containers
- Services
- Database
- Persistence
- Web services
- Security
- Resource adapters
- Maven
- Geronimo plugin architecture
- Plugable console
- Repositories
- GBeans
- Classloaders
- APIs
- Configuration
- Building Geronimo
- with maven
- from eclipse
- Custom server assemblies
- Tutorials
- Web applications
JavaServer Faces
Developing a Simple JavaServer Faces application
- AJAX with JSF
- Using JSP Immediate Expressions to access JSF
- User Interface development with JSF
- JSF application to perform create, delete, update operation against a database table
- Application clients
- EJB applications
Web services
Developing a simple Calculator Web Service
Developing JAX-RPC Web Services
Migrating from JAX-RPC to JAX-WS
Developing a JAX-WS POJO Web Service
Developing a JAX-WS EJB Stateless Session Bean Web Service
Developing Clients for a JAX-WS Web Service
RESTful Web Services
SAAJ Messaging Web Services
- MTOM Web Services
- WS Addressing
- Securing your applications
- Persistence
- Annotations
- JAX-WS web service and client using annotations
- Geronimo plugins
Convert your current applications into plugins
Custom server assemblies using Geronimo Administrative console
- Constructing a special-purpose server using maven
- Clone your server environment with plugins
- Portlets