Blog from August, 2008

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the new v2.1.2 release of the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin (GEP). This release is primarily a maintenance upgrade but also includes some new enhancements including support for Eclipse Ganymede and Java 1.6, plus numerous Geronimo deployment plan editor enhancements. Specific details can be found in the Plugin Release Notes.

Please visit the Development Tools Subproject page for details for installing and using GEP v2.1.2.

The Apache Geronimo project is pleased to announce the new v2.1.2 release. This release is primarily a maintenance upgrade that pulls together fixes not only for Geronimo but also other key components included in the server. Improvements have been made in the administrative console, GShell command line processing, messages, and numerous other areas. Details of the fixes included can be seen in the Release Notes. Many issues have also been resolved in newer versions of core components that have been included in this Geronimo release. Geronimo v2.1.2 component upgrades include Tomcat 6.0.16, CXF 2.0.8, JavaMail 1.5, MyFaces 1.2.3, WADI 2.0, and Yoko 1.0 among others.

Visit the Downloads page for details on downloading Apache Geronimo v2.1.2.