When you are looking to contribute code to Apache Gossip this guide will walk you though.

Step-by-step guide

Join the dev mailing list

  1. Send email to dev-subscribe@gossip.incubator.apache.org to subscribe to the developer mailing list
  2. Create an email subjected [DISCUSS] My idea here and discuss it

Create a JIRA ticket

  1. Create a JIRA account
  2. Create a JIRA ticket in the gossip queue e.g. (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GOSSIP-47)
  3. Remember the ticket number this will be helpful later

Create a git(hub) clone/fork of the incubator-gossip project

  1. git clone git@github.com:apache/incubator-gossip.git
  2. create a branch named by the name the JIRA ticket above
    1. git branch GOSSIP-47
    2. git checkout GOSSIP-47
  3. Implement the feature in a single commit
    1. use can use `git rebase -i HEAD~3` to squash three commits into one
  4. Put the ticket name in the commit message 
    1. git commit -a -m "GOSSIP-47 Fixed bug in hashmap"
  5. Push the branch and trigger a pull request
    1. git push myfork GOSSIP-47
    2. Hit the pull request button in github
  6. In JIRA mark the ticket as PATCH_AVAILABLE and nudge a reviewer if need be