Goal: provide additional quality checks on top of the Hadoop Yetus checks, including all docker based acceptance test suite.
Goal: make it easier to contribute for newbies and external contributors (but use the existing apache)
Non-goal: avoid/remove Yetus checks
Note: everything here is just experimental which can help to decide which method can be the best for the future. This wiki page summarizes the current state/experiences to be base of a discussion.
Earlier we had Jenkins experiments see the history of this page if you are interested about the problems with Jenkins.
All the checks are committed to hadoop-ozone/dev-support/checks. You can run it locally or on any server. As of now I am running them on a kubernetes cluster with the help of argo workflow.
- You can create pull request to apache hadoop repository
- You need to add the ozone label to check it with this CI (if you have no permission to do it add a comment with the text /label ozone).
- It will be checked by a cluster of kubernetes nodes.
- The result will be published under https://github.com/elek/ozone-ci-q4
- The checks are additional checks, not replacement of the Yetus checks.
Note: you can request new test with adding a comment with the following text: /retest
For security reason this build is triggered only for the contributors who are on a whitelist: https://github.com/elek/argo-ozone/blob/master/klepif.yaml It will be modified soon to include this list in the repository (need repo separation)
Reference repositories
- https://github.com/elek/argo-ozone
- the argo (=kubernetes workflow engine) definition
- Kubernetes job definition
- Configuration of the pull request poller
- https://gitub.com/elek/klepif
- This script polls the gihub api a checks the new commits and comments (handle the /label and /retest commands and submit new argo jobs) prow
- https://github.com/elek/ozone-ci-1t
- Contains all the test results (pr builds and nightly runs)
Future directions
- Github actions are under evaluation. With github action we can remove the requirements of personal repositories
- the glue code + build definition to execute the checker scripts can be committed to the main repo.
- We don't need separated repository to store the build data