Please consult with the following page to run a new development cluster based on your own build:
Development cluster with docker
And please check the official documentation to run your cluster from the latest available distribution.
Brahma Reddy Battula
Thanks for nice write up.. I was not able install successfully,looks something I missed..Below the snapshot for same.
and OzoneConfiguration and simple script links are not working.
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# ozone freon randomkeys --numOfVolumes=10 --numOfBuckets 10 --numOfKeys 10 --replicationType=RATIS --factor=THREE
No command 'ozone' found, did you mean:
Command 'iozone' from package 'iozone3' (multiverse)
ozone: command not found
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose ps
Linux brahma 4.13.0-39-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 5 16:43:10 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Anu Engineer
Can you run this command from inside datanode instance. That is after the
docker-compose exec datanode bash
if you are inside the datanode, the ozone shell command will be in path.
Else, ozone command will in the bin directory of ozone, just like Hadoop.
You can execute the ozone command from that location too. Ozone is a shell wrapper just like hdfs command.
Brahma Reddy Battula
Thanks for prompt reply.
Yes, I executed after "docker-compose exec datanode bash" only.
As " docker-compose ps" doesn't give any instance list, I think some thing I missed..let me try like below comment as you suggested.
Anu Engineer
Also we have some prepackaged ozone docker images in the tree now; so you can do a
> mvn clean install -T 1C -Phdds -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipShade
and then you can go to the dist directory to find all kinds of docker images, the most simple one is
> /hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone
Brahma Reddy Battula
I still dn't have the luck.anything else I am missing, sorry to trouble you.
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# mvn clean install -T 1C -Phdds -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipShade
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Ozone FileSystem Legacy Jar Library .. SUCCESS [01:41 min]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Ozone Tools .......................... SUCCESS [ 28.121 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Ozone Datanode ....................... SUCCESS [ 18.291 s]
[INFO] Apache Hadoop Ozone Distribution ................... SUCCESS [ 29.169 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 07:41 min (Wall Clock)
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-02-18T03:22:14+05:30
[INFO] Final Memory: 509M/1684M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop# cd hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# ls
docker-compose.yaml docker-config
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker
docker docker-containerd docker-containerd-shim docker-init docker-runc
docker-compose docker-containerd-ctr dockerd docker-proxy
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose up -d
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose up -d
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose ps
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose logs
Marton Elek
So what is the output of 'docker-compose logs' command? Do you see any error there?
Brahma Reddy Battula
Looks problem docker-compose.. I re-installed..Now it's ok.. Thanks guys.
Digest: sha256:0f74e5f67294a0fb3a7337f314df268c9c724c3059fef85f146494ed735c9e1b
Status: Downloaded newer image for apache/hadoop-runner:latest
Creating ozone_scm_1 ... done
Creating ozone_datanode_1 ... done
Creating ozone_ozoneManager_1 ... done
root@brahma:/home/brahma/trunk/hadoop/hadoop-ozone/dist/target/ozone-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/compose/ozone# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
ozone_datanode_1 /usr/local/bin/dumb-init - ... Exit 1
ozone_ozoneManager_1 /usr/local/bin/dumb-init - ... Exit 1
ozone_scm_1 /usr/local/bin/dumb-init - ... Exit 1
Marton Elek
I am deleting this page, the development version is documented here:
Development cluster with docker
The distribution version is documented here: