Note taker :  Balaji Varadarajan


Status Updates 

  1. 0.5.1 Release plans : Targeting Next Release 0.5.1 for end of January
    1. Code complete 2 weeks prior to that (around Jan 15)
    2. 2 weeks buffer to test and prepare release
  2. Went through 0.5.1 task list and cleaned up.
    1. Two features which was earlier planned for 0.5.1 got out of the list as they wont be able to be finished in 0.5.1 time-frame. They will be targeted for next release. They are:
      1. HUDI-305
      2. HUDI-309

Pull Request Review 

  1. PR-969 has been dormant for a while. Need volunteers to revive and land it. It is in final stages of review. Corresponding ticket : HUDI-251

RFC Reviews

RFC-11 is an active RFC under discussion. Due to hangout issues, this was not discussed. More discussion to be followed in email

Action Items: 

  1. Balaji to send a DISCUSS email for kickstarting the next release cycle
  2. Bunch of tickets for 0.5.1 (link : here) is unassigned. If you are interested, feel free to grab and work on them (smile)

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