Note taker : Nishith Agarwal


Status Updates 

- sivabalan narayanan will continue to work on record level indexing RFC 
Ethan Guo working on SortBy in bulk insert

Pull Request Review

- CSV support for DeltaStream in review

Nishith Agarwalto finish reviewing PR 1174

RFC Reviews

Go over major open ended items

Open Floor 

- Need faster review time on these PR's to avoid duplicate work of rebasing by the PR owner

  • One suggestion is to only start a review if there is bandwidth to provide a turn-around time of 2 days, this way the PR owner waits to rebase till the reviewer can provide quick feedback
  • This needs to be discussed in the next meeting

- Folks interested in understanding how a release is done

  • What is the voting process +1, -1, binding, non-binding etc
  • What does it mean to do checksum checks for the release candidate

Some of the questions were answered but might be good for this time's release manager to share his experience so folks can learn (Needs to be done next meeting since Shaofeng Limicrophone was muted)

Major Followups

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