Note taker :  <@username>


Status Updates 

Blockers, Progress towards next releases, things needing immediate attention, JIRA cleanup

  • RFC-15 is in fighting shape, COW mostly works, corner cases around MOR. We have a feature branch and HUDI-1292 tracks all the items.
  • Clustering : We have a design + execution plan. Dev is moving ahead.
  • Spark3 support (delayed),  vinoth will follow up and help as needed.
  • Grofers blog/use-case added to site.

Pull Request Review 

Unblock reviews, Resolve sticky points

  • All PRs assigned

RFC Reviews

Go over major open ended items

Open Floor 

new ideas, feedback, suggestions.

  • ORC Support (mani): ORC version upgrade (2.x),discussion around abstraction for next steps. 

Major Followups

  • No labels