
Seeking to construct a roadmap to make Milagro an Apache project.

The Problems

  • Development has been taking place elsewhere
    • We need to agree the development style. CI/CD process requires us to allow latest change on the code happens on local fork repositories.
  • Development not visible at Apache
    • Because repos at Apache not the project's focus
    • We need management on the project repo.
      • Currently active committers cannot work for the repo because write access is not granted.
  • Apache dev list doesn't appear to be the primary communication channel
    • We need to discuss our communication channel.
      • Some prefer to use mailing list with JIRA as the primary communication channel, and to use Slack as the complementary communication channel.


  • Day-to-day project communication to migrate to dev@ list
  • Primary development resource to be Apache repos. Github connection to be clarified
    • If the podling isn't already on gitbox and prefers to use github, perhaps migrating to gitbox would help?
  • Clarify status of bug/issue tracker
  • Project team to engage with general@incubator community on Apache issues


  • Step 1: Recover managerial infrastructure
    • Prepare Milagro JIRA
    • Provision access rights for committers and PMCs at the managerial infrastructure: GitHub, JIRA, and wiki
      • Write a wiki page that describes how to redeem write accesses.
    • Discuss requirements for infrastraucture
      • Do we need Confluence? How can we help committers to produce documents with figures and rich materials?
  • Step 2: Pull code at the project repo
    • Discuss initial scope for importing code
      • We can start from the minimal, for example from the AMCL library.
    • Pull-request from milagro* repos to the project repo
    • Review, edit, and accept at the project repo
      • Ticket at the project JIRA if any problem found.
      • Discuss at dev list if solution is not clear.
  • Step 3: Start development
    • Decide development roadmap
    • Repeat pull-request and review/edit/accept
      • At least until we accept MFA solutions in milagro*
    • Continue tracking issues at JIRA and discuss at dev list
      • Optionally consider using Slack.

Specific Issues

  • Committer list: is anyone who should be a committer lacking an account?
  • Any problems with the current list of repos? Why?
  • Github integration. Is the issue about being able to commit at github and have it mirror to Apache? Other issues?
  • No labels