



Refactor the current KafkaConsumer implementation to separate out the API processing in the user thread from the network I/O and heartbeat processing in a dedicated background thread


In progress

Top-level Jira

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Problem Statement

The current KafkaConsumer implementation suffers from a number of issues related to an inconsistent approach to ownership of resources among different threads. Complicated and error-prone synchronization and communication has been applied that makes the code difficult to reason on and has lead to a class of bugs and issues.


Must have

  • 100% API compatibility with existing KafkaConsumer

  • Test success rate parity with existing KafkaConsumer (i.e. no new test failures)

Nice to have

Not in scope

  • API-level changes (we don’t want to write a KIP)


 We'd love to have the community more involved in the project. In order to  are some additional onboarding tasks as we start to move information to the Apache Kafka community:

Further information

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