Release Dates

  • Feature Freeze: Jan 13, 2017 (major features merged & working on stabilization, minor features have PR, release branch cut; anything not in this state will be automatically moved to the next release in JIRA)
  • Code Freeze: Jan 27, 2017 (first RC created now)
  • Release: Feb 14, 2017 

These dates are goals and subject to change, but we expect to stay on the Time Based Release Plan unless unexpected critical issues come up. While the target release date is fixed at ~2w after code freeze, RCs will roll out as needed until the release vote passes.

Release Manager

The release manager is Ewen Cheslack-Postava

Release Features

This is a list of key features/improvements/bugfixes that we can include with release notes:

  • Session windows in Kafka Streams (KIP-94)
  • Improved compatibility for Java clients (compatible with older brokers in addition to brokers supporting older client versions, KIP-97)
  • Dynamic JAAS configuration – multiple client auth per process, KIP-85
  • More intuitive Kafka Streams join semantics (KIP-77)
  • Avoid flushing pipeline in sink connectors (KIP-89)

How to Contribute

Before Jan 27:

  • Participate in votes and discussions to land or postpone the open KIPs
  • Review patches. We anticipate that this release will be bottlenecked mostly on reviews. The more reviewers, the more content we can fit in.
  • Write system tests. We want to preserve the tradition of high-quality releases in Apache Kafka. 

After Jan 27:

  • Test the release candidates
  • Open bugs on important issues found
  • Fix bugs
  • Review bug fixes
  • Vote on RCs. Even though only PMC votes are binding, community votes are super important as we evaluate the readiness of the release

Open Issues

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

Planned KIP Content

Note: The planned content is not binding - final content will be based the features committed by branch-cutting date.

KIP-66: Single Message Transforms for Kafka Connect Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. Committed (with some minor follow up outstanding)ConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-77: Improve Kafka Streams Join Semantics Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-84: Support SASL SCRAM mechanisms Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedCommon/Clients/Broker

Jun Rao

KIP-85: Dynamic JAAS configuration for Kafka clients Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedClientsIsmael Juma Juma
KIP-88: OffsetFetch Protocol Update Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedClients/BrokerEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-89: Allow sink connectors to decouple flush and offset commit Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedConnectEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-90 - Remove zkClient dependency from Streams Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-92 - Add per partition lag metrics to KafkaConsumer Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedConsumerEwen Cheslack-Postava
KIP-93: Improve invalid timestamp handling in Kafka Streams Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-94 Session Windows Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-96 - Add per partition metrics for in-sync and assigned replica count Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedBrokerIsmael Juma Juma
KIP-97: Improved Kafka Client RPC Compatibility Policy

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (Refactoring)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (Primary patch)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (System test 1)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (CLI tool)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (System test 2)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (Pre-KIP-74 compatibility)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (Initial patch follow ups)
  • Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. (docs)



ClientsIsmael Juma Juma
KIP-99: Add Global Tables to Kafka Streams Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-100 - Relax Type constraints in Kafka Streams API Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-102 - Add close with timeout for consumers Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedConsumerJason Gustafson
KIP-103: Separation of Internal and External traffic

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error.

Main functionality committed.

KAFKA-4636 & KAFKA-4637

pushed to subsequent release.

BrokerJason Gustafson
KIP-104: Granular Sensors for Streams Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-105: Addition of Recording Level for Sensors Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedStreamsguozhang Wang
KIP-108: Create Topic Policy Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. CommittedBrokerJason Gustafson

KIPs Bumped to Next Release

KIP-72: Allow putting a bound on memory consumed by Incoming requests Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. Patch AvailableBrokerEwen Cheslack-Postava
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