####### DRAFT - NOT FINAL ########

Setting Fix Versions in Lucene/Solr JIRA. Mail Thread https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/63761e6efd1bb74d2efd02c3f8222d295c28a93ad33f36bf0ddb8f15@%3Cdev.lucene.apache.org%3E


  • For a fix that will be released with a major version, just mention the major version.
  • For a minor version.
    • master (current version + 1).
    • minor version release that would have this fix.
    • all prior bug fix releases, when this is back-ported to older branches.
  • Bug fix release
    • The only case when a fix is released with such a release, is when
    • The issue was introduced by a minor version release right before this release AND
    • There was no other minor/major release since this issue was introduced.
    • In such a case, the fix version should only have the bug fix version, and not master, etc.

Other suggested approach

  • push to master = add master (current major version + 1)
  • push to a stable branch = add the next minor release as fixVersion
  • push to a release branch = add the next bug fix release from that branch as the fixVersion

Here's more context around this approach: I think one push == one label is unambiguous. You do have to realize that if there may never be, say, a 6.6.1 in my example. But we do remove the onus of people having to figure out what a fix version of plain "master" or "7x" means.

Issues with this approach (from the mail thread):

Say I commit something that would be released with 7.0 but obviously, I also commit to master at this point. Going with your approach here are the fix versions I’ll end up with on the JIRA - master (8.0), 7.1, and 7.0.

This confuses me, as anything that has a 7.0 fix version shouldn’t have anything else from the 7x line. Also, it shouldn’t have anything from a line greater than that i.e. master (8.0) as it is obvious to me that there can not be any fix that makes it’s way into 7.0 but not 7.1, or 8.0.

Also, from my understanding, a fix version of 7.1 would mean that the first time this was released on the 7x line was 7.1 (which wouldn’t be the case here).

  • No labels