Goal / Scope
1.20.0 release with new functionality and bug fixes. 

Release Artifacts
Download the 1.20.0 release candidate

Date of release: July 2022

JIRAs associated with the 1.20.0 release

Release Notes
MADlib v1.20.0:

Release Date: 2022-July-XX

New features:
    - XGBoost: Python based XGBoost with single and grid search executions (MADLIB-1425, MADLIB-1490)
    - Graph: Add multicolumn support for WCC and Pagerank (MADLIB-1502, MADLIB-1503)

    - Utilities: Reuse update plan in GroupIterationController
    - Documentation: Update online examples for various modules

Bug fixes:
    - Elastic Net - GLM - SVM: Adjust ORCA to reduce planning time

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