During this release we are going to try and use the svnmerge.py script to see what needs to be merged from the trunk into the branch. Ideally this will make a list of possible revisions to merge and it can be presented to the developers for a quick check. Inviduals maybe have already merged in their changes which is ok, but we still need to check that we have everything we want from the trunk.

I realize that I didn't do a proper initialization using

svnmerge.py init

after the 2.0.2 release was made so I need to seed the property that svnmerge.py uses so that it accurately reflects the revision we want to track from post 2.0.2. So I'm going to start with the revision present on the 2.0.2 tag:


Which is Revision 379135.

Some things that we forgot to do last time around:

  • Deploy the Ant tasks to Ibiblio
  • Deploy the Embedder to Ibiblio

Remember to change the symlink in /www/maven.apache.org/ref/current to point to current version

  • No labels


  1. I'd like to ask that we use all release plugins by flushing out the local repository of plugins before building the release (exception: maven-assembly-plugin and maven-release-plugin).

    The release plugin really should be verifying this for us.

  2. Other thing that got forgotten in 2.0.1, to be checked/automated:

    • bootstrap hasn't had its versions updated, which may mean that if you
      bootstrap a tag it doesn't come out right (not sure). This includes META-INF of bootstrap-installer
      The reason being that bootstrap is not in <modules> so not touched by the release plugin.