This section provides information for setting up a cluster in a virtual machine. Setting up a cluster in a virtual machine involves the following:


In addition to the standard requirements, the following are also needed:

  • Virtualbox
  • Vagrant

Starting the Cluster

To start the cluster, run the following:

vagrant up


At this point the VM will have a single node Mesos cluster running and a single node
HDFS cluster running. You can modify the Mesos and Hadoop versions by editing the
corresponding variables in the `Vagrantfile`.

Check that Mesos and Hadoop are running with a browser:

Hadoop/HDFS namenode:
Mesos Master:


To ssh into the cluster, run the following:

 vagrant ssh

The password for the vagrant user is vagrant.


You can switch to the hadoop user when needed to launch hadoop processes

sudo su - hduser

Configuring Myriad

To configure Myriad:

Step 1: Build Myriad

To build the Myriad Scheduler inside a VM, run the gradlew build:

 cd /vagrant
./gradlew build

If a build failure occurs, the issue is not with the build itself, but a failure to write to disk. This can happen when you build outside the vagrant instance first. To resolve this issue, exit the user hduser (type: exit) and build again as the vagrant user.

Step 2: Deploy the Myriad Files

The Myriad Schedule and Executer jar files and all the runtime dependences as well as the Myriad configuration file must be copied to $YARN_HOME.


  • The Myriad Scheduler jar files and all the runtime dependencies are located at:
  • The Myriad configuration file is located at:
  • The Myriad Executor jar file are located at:


For example, the files are copied to the following locations:

cp /vagrant/myriad-scheduler/build/libs/* $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/ 
cp /vagrant/myriad-executor/build/libs/myriad-executor-0.1.0.jar $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/
cp /vagrant/myriad-scheduler/src/main/resources/myriad-config-default.yml $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/

Step 3: Configure the Myriad Defaults

 As a minimum, the following Myriad configuration parameters must be set:

  • mesosMaster
  • zkServers


Enabling Cgroups involves modifying the yarn-site.xml and myriad-config-default.yml files. If you plan on using Cgroups, you could set that property at this time. See Configuring Cgroups for more information.


To configure Myriad, update $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/myriad-config-default.yml with the following content:

mesosMaster: <mesos Master IP address>:5050
checkpoint: false
frameworkFailoverTimeout: 43200000
frameworkName: MyriadAlpha
nativeLibrary: /usr/local/lib/
zkServers: localhost:2181
zkTimeout: 20000
cpu: 2
mem: 2048
cpu: 4
mem: 4096
cpu: 10
mem: 12288
rebalancer: true
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 1024
user: hduser
cpus: 0.2
cgroups: false
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 256
path: file://localhost/usr/local/libexec/mesos/myriad-executor-runnable-0.1.0.jar

Step 4: Configure YARN to use Myriad

To configure YARN to use Myriad, update $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml with following content:

<!-- The following properties enable dynamic port assignment by Mesos -->
<!-- The following properties configure Myriad Scheduler  -->
<description>One can configure other schedulers as well from following list: org.apache.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadCapacityScheduler, org.apache.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadFifoScheduler</description>


Getting Started


To launch Myriad, run the following:

sudo su - hduser start resourcemanager

Verifying Activity

To check that things are running, from a browser on the host check out the following urls:

    • Without the Mesos-DNS service, this IP is slave node's IP address where the ResourceManager is running.
    • With the Mesos-DNS service, Mesos-DNS discovers the node where the ResourceManager is running by using Mesos DNS FQDN (<app>.<framework>.mesos).
  • Mesos UI - Use the 5050 port and Frameworks directory. For example: http://<IP address>:5050/#/frameworks (

Shutting Down

To shut down from the vagrant ssh console, run the following: stop resourcemanager
vagrant halt
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