The Service REST API uses the PUT /api/cluster/flexupservice and flexdownservice HTTP method and URI to dedicated resources to Myriad services. To launch services, such as JobHistoryServer, as a task from the Myriad Framework, the service must be defined in the Myriad configuration file, myriad-config-default.yml. See Configuring for JobHistoryServer and Other Services for more information.

HTTP Method and URI

PUT /api/cluster/flexupservice
PUT /api/cluster/flexdownservice


Parameters include:

instances(Required) Number of service instances to launch for the service.
serviceName(Required) Service name as configured in the Myriad configuration file, myriad-config-default.yml.


http://<IP address>:8192/api/cluster/flexdownservice
	instances=<number of instances>
	serviceName=<name of service>

http://<IP address>:8192/api/cluster/flexupservice
	instances=<number of instances>
	serviceName=<name of service>

Request Examples

Curl request example:

curl -X PUT
    -d instances=1
    -d serviceName=jobhistory

The following launches a service instance for the jobhistory task:

    "instances":1, "serviceName": "jobhistory"
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