9.1 Discussion

This is the first tab in the product catalog editing process. Click on [New Product] to create a new item. [Product Page] jumps you into the e-commerce application to the specific page for this product. These actions are presented on each of the EditProduct screens.

The tabs following Product (Prices, Content, IDs, etc.) will be seen when you select to Edit an existing product or after pressing Update when creating a new product. Not all of these tabs will appear all of the time. For example, Variants will only appear when you are working with a Virtual product. Configurations will only appear with a configurable product.

Once the product has been updated you will need to visit both the 'Content' tab (to update images or update the freemarker template) and the 'Categories' tab where you will specify the categories that you want the product to appear in. In order to make it appear in the category then it must be added in the 'Categories' tab at the top.

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