

Here you identify which Party is responsible for or assigned to work with the specific Catalog selected. The Party's Role is assigned or identified and, if appropriate, a start and/or finish date for the assignment can be specified.

The following Roles currently have functionality when applied to Catalogs:




When a Customer is associated with a Catalog they are then able to view and purchase from that Catalog via ecommerce.  If you wish to restrict a Catalog to certain customers you would use this role for the desired Party and not associate a Product Store to the Catalog.

  • No labels


  1. Is it possible to display one of many catalogs associated with the ecommerce site based on the Party's roles or group membership?  In other words, if there are 3 catalogs included in the ecommerce site and the logged in user's view priviliges need to be restricted to a single catalog, how would that be implemented?

  2. Vic, 

    The dashboard is not intended for this kind of use (questions in comment) you should better user the user ML for that


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