In OFBiz a position is the authorization, typically from the budget of an internal organization, for the Company to engage one person to do a job. OFBiz handles positions in a flexible manner so you can think of a position as an authorization for a full-time equivalent (FTE).

This means that you can fulfill a position with a person in a number of different ways. You can Fill a position with one full time person, change the assignment of a position from one person to another over time, or split a position across more then one person at the same a time.



As implemented a position can be fulfilled by either a person or organization. For discussion here we will assume that positions are only fulfilled by people. The person may or may not be an employee.


Positions have a status. They can be one of: Planned For, Active/Open, or Inactive/Closed.

Positions have a type, defined in Global HR Settings, which describes the job and it's pay rates. Some examples types could be secretary, production worker, sales manager, executive vice president or OFBiz programmer. If more then one person is needed for a type of job then a position must be created for each required person i.e. If 10 secretaries are authorized for the Human Resource department then 10 positions are created with type secretary.

Positions have a reporting structure. Positions report to other positions and not the people who hold the position. You can identify the position a position reports to and/or the positions(s) a position manages.



In the HR App it is possible to create circular reporting structures where a Position the reporting to and managed by positions are the same. It is the users responsibility to exercise common sense when creating the reporting structure.


Position Features

  • Create Positions

  • Fulfill Positions

  • Assign Position Responsibilities

  • Create a Reporting Structure

  • Administer Position Types, Responsibilities and Rates




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employee Position

Usage - Use the position search screen to create a position, search for an existing position and view a list of positions. Use Search Options to refine the search. Selecting a position from the list opens positions Summary screen and provides access the supporting screens Employee Position, Fulfillments, Responsibilities and Reporting Structure.


  • Empl Position Id - Unique Id for the position. Limits Search Results to id's position.

  • Status ID - One of Active/Open, Inactive/Closed or Planned For

  • Party If - The party id of the internal organization authorized to fill the position.

  • Budget Id - Identifies the budget authorizing the position.

  • Budget Item Seq Id - Identifies the item within the budget authorizing the position.

  • Empl Position Type Id - The name of the position type. Position types are defined in Global HR Settings Position Types .

  • Estimated From Date - The date the position is expected to be filled.

  • Estimated Thru Date - The date on which the positions budget authorization is expected to end.

  • Salary Flag - Y if this is a salaried position else N.

  • Exempt Flag - Y if this position exempt from a requirement else N

  • Fulltime Flag - Y if this is a fulltime position else N

  • Temporary Flag - Y if this is a temporary position else N

  • Actual From Date - The date the position is filled.

  • Actual Thru Date - The date the position is no longer authorized.


  • New Employee Position button: Click to open the screen to create a new Employee Position.

  • Find button: Click for a list of employee positions. Displays a list of positions in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Employee Position Id text link: Click to open position Summary screen. Summary is the first menu item in a menu list of supporting screens Employee Position, Fulfillments, Responsibilities and Reporting Structure.

  • Party Id button: Click to open the Profile of the internal organization authorized to fill the position.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employee Position > In Search Results Click text in column Employee Position Id

Usage - The Summary screen has a collection of screenlets with information on the different aspects of a position.


Position information list all of the fields the HR App records for a position. These fields can be edited by clicking on the EMPLOYEE POSITION menu item that follows SUMMARY.


  • Position Id - Unique Id for the position.

  • Status ID - One of Active/Open, Inactive/Closed or Planned For.

  • Party Id - The party id of the internal organization authorized to fill the position.

  • Budget Id - A user entered identifier for the budget authorizing the position.

  • Budget Item Seq Id - A user entered identifier for the budget item authorizing the position.

  • Empl Position Type Id - Name for the position type. Position types are defined in Global HR Settings Position Types .

  • Estimated From Date - Date the position is expected to be filled.

  • Estimated Thru Date - Date on which the positions budget authorization is expected to end.

  • Salary Flag - Y if this is a salaried position else N.

  • Exempt Flag - Y if this position exempt from a requirement else N

  • Fulltime Flag - Y if this is a fulltime position else N

  • Temporary Flag - Y if this is a temporary position else N

  • Actual From Date - Date the position is filled.

  • Actual Thru Date - Date the position is no longer authorized.


  • Party Id text link: Click to open the Profile of the internal organization authorized to fill the position

  • Empl Position Type Id text link: Click to open Global HR Settings Position Types for position type.


A fulfillment is the assignment of people to the position. You can create update and delete fulfillments. See: Fulfillments.


  • Party Id - The party id of the person fulfilling the position.

  • From Date - The date the fulfillment starts.

  • Thru Date - The date the fulfillment ends.

  • Comments - User entered comment on the fulfillment.

The RESPONSIBILITIES screen lets you assign responsibilities to a position. See: Responsibilities.

The administrator can add and remove responsibilities shown in the Responsibility Type Id drop-down list in Global HR Settings.


  • Responsibility Type Id - Unique Id for the responsibility.

  • From Date - The date the responsibility starts for the position.

  • Thru Date - The date the responsibility ends for the position

  • Comments - User entered comment about the responsibility

The Reports To screenlet list the position(s) that this position reports to. See: Reporting Structure.


  • Empl Position Id Reporting To - The unique identifier of the position this position reports to.

  • From Date - The date the report to starts for the position.

  • Thru Date - The date the report to ends for the position

  • Comments - User entered comment about the report to.

  • Primary Flag - Identifies the primary report to when there is more then one report to. Y indicates primary, all other reports to should be no.

The Reports To screenlet list the position that the selected position reports to. See: Reporting Structure.

  • Empl Position Id Managed By - The unique identifier of the position reporting to this position.

  • From Date - The date the reporting to starts for the position.

  • Thru Date - The date the reporting to ends for the position

  • Comments - User entered comment about the reporting to.

  • Primary Flag - Identifies this as the primary reporting to when the position also reports to other positions. Y indicates primary.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employee Position > In Search Results Click text in column Employee Position Id > Click Employee Position menu item.

Usage - Update positions.


  • Position Id - Unique Id for the position.

  • Status ID - One of Active/Open, Inactive/Closed or Planned For.

  • Party Id - The party id of the internal organization authorized to fill the position.

  • Budget Id - A user entered identifier for the budget authorizing the position.

  • Budget Item Seq Id - A user entered identifier for the budget item authorizing the position.

  • Empl Position Type Id - Name for the position type. Position types are defined in Global HR Settings Position Types .

  • Estimated From Date - Date the position is expected to be filled.

  • Estimated Thru Date - Date on which the positions budget authorization is expected to end.

  • Salary Flag - Y if this is a salaried position else N.

  • Exempt Flag - Y if this position exempt from a requirement else N

  • Fulltime Flag - Y if this is a fulltime position else N

  • Temporary Flag - Y if this is a temporary position else N

  • Actual From Date - Date the position is filled.

  • Actual Thru Date - Date the position is no longer authorized.

Action - Update button: Click to save changes to a position record.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employee Position > In Search Results Click text in column Employee Position Id > Click Fulfillments menu item

Usage - Add, update and delete a fulfillment.


  • Party Id - Enter the party id of the person fulfilling the position.

  • From Date - Enter the date the fulfillment starts.

  • Thru Date - Enter the date the fulfillment ends.

  • Comments - Enter a comment on the fulfillment.


  • Add button: Click to add a fulfillment.

  • Party Id column button: Click to open the profile of the person filling the position.

  • Update column button: Click to save changes to the fulfillment

  • Delete button: Click to delete the fulfillment. The item is deleted and can not be restored.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Employee Position > In Search Results Click text in column Employee Position Id > Click Responsibilities menu item

Usage - Add, update and delete a responsibility


  • Responsibility Type Id - One of the available responsibility types as, defined in Global Settings Responsibility Types , describing the duties required of the position

  • From Date - The date the when the position became responsible for this type

  • From Date - The date the when the position was no longer responsible for this type

  • Comments - User defined comment


  • Add button: Click to add a responsibility.

  • Update button: Click to save changes to the responsibility.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the responsibility. The responsibility is deleted and can not be restored.



Usage - Add, update and delete a Reports To / Reported To reporting structure.


  • Empl Position Id Reporting To - Enter the unique identifier of the position this position reports to.

  • Empl Position Id Managed By - Enter the unique identifier of the position reporting to this position.

  • From Date - The date the reporting to starts for the position.

  • Thru Date - The date the reporting to ends for the position

  • Comments - User entered comment about the reporting to.

  • Primary Flag - Identifies this as the primary reporting to when the position also reports to other positions. Y indicates primary.


  • Add button: Click to add a Reports / Reported To structure.

  • Update button: Click to save changes to the structure.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the structure. The structure is deleted and can not be restored.


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