Performance Review allows employees to post reviews that can be used by management in evaluating the performance of individual employee. Each review has a list of items that can be rated and commented on. The employee's position is also captured with the review which allows the creation of reports that look at ratings for a review item by position.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Performance Review

Usage: Use the Performance Review screen to create a review, search for an existing review and view a list of reviews. Use Search Options to refine the search. Selecting a review from the list opens the Edit Performance Review screenlet.


  • Employee Reviewed - Name of the employee being reviewed.

  • Review Id - An automatically created unique identifier for the review.

  • Reviewer - The name of the employee performing the review. Employees may review themselves in a self-assessment review.

  • Payment Id - A review may be associated with a payment when the payment is relevant to the review. When you use the Lookup Payment screen you can filter the payment types that apply to employee compensation e.g. Commission Payment, Paycheck or Payroll.

  • Position Id - The position held by the Employee Reviewed is stored with the review. When entering this item make sure to enter the correct position for the employee. This will help in evaluating reviews grouped by position.

  • From Date - The start of the period under review.

  • Thru Date - The end of the period under review.

  • Comments - A user defined description for the review.


  • New Perfreview button: Click to open the New Performance Review screenlet.

  • Find button: Click for a list reviews. Displays a list of reviews in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Employee Reviewed column text: Click to open the employee's profile screen.

  • Review Id column text: Click to open Edit Performance Review screenlet.

  • Reviewer column text: Click to open reviewers profile screen.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Performance Review > Click New Perfreview

Usage: Create a new performance review.


  • Employee Reviewed - Enter a Name of the employee being reviewed.

  • Reviewer - Enter the name of the employee performing the review. Employees may review themselves in a self-assessment review.

  • Payment Id - A review may be associated with a payment when the payment is relevant to the review. When you use the Lookup Payment screen you can filter the payment types that apply to employee compensation e.g. Commission Payment, Paycheck or Payroll.

  • Position Id - The position held by the Employee Reviewed is stored with the review. When entering this item make sure to enter the correct position for the employee. This will help in evaluating reviews grouped by position.

  • From Date - Enter the start of the period under review.

  • Thru Date - Enter the end of the period under review.

  • Comments - Enter a user defined description for the review.

Action Create button: Click to create the a review.




  • Human Resources > Performance Review > Click New Perfreview

  • Human Resources > Performance Review > In Search Results Click text in Review Id column

Usage: Usage - This screen is used to create or edit and update an performance review. In the Main Search Screen it is opened in create mode by clicking the New Perfreview button or update mode by clicking the Perf Review Id column in Search Results.


  • Employee Reviewed - Name of the employee being reviewed.

  • Reviewer - Name of the employee performing the review. Employees may review themselves in a self-assessment review.

  • Payment Id - A review may be associated with a payment when the payment is relevant to the review. When you use the Lookup Payment screen you can filter the payment types that apply to employee compensation e.g. Commission Payment, Paycheck or Payroll.

  • Position Id - The position held by the Employee Reviewed is stored with the review. When entering this item make sure to enter the correct position for the employee. This will help in evaluating reviews grouped by position.

  • From Date - The start of the period under review.

  • Thru Date - The end of the period under review.

  • Comments - A user defined description for the review.

Action Update button: Click to save changes.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Performance Review > In Search Results Click text in Review Id column > Click Perfreview Items

Usage: Add or delete a performance review item.



Review items can not be changed.



  • Review Item drop-down list: Select an item from the list. The items describe a review category.

  • Rating drop-down list: Select a rating for the review item.

  • Comments text: User defined comment on the review item.


  • Item List Delete button: Click to delete the review item type. The review item is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Create button: Click create to save the review item.





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