.2.3.7 Categories
A category is a group of usually similar products which are presented together for the customer's convenience. A category can have both products and other sub categories and can have its own descriptions and images.
. Why have categories?
Categories provide navigation for the site and containers for the products. If a product is not in a category then it will not appear in the search.
. What categories are needed?
As a minimum you will need to add a browse root and a promotions category.The browse root forms the top level of the site and this is what the other categories that you create will 'hang' off. The promotions category is for special offers and is the front page of a site by default. There are other categories available which can be used for specialist functions like search etc. The catalog is assigned a category, and categories are assigned to a catalog with a 'type' of assignment, i.e., browse root, promotions, etc. In addition you will want to add your own categories to represent different 'Departments' in the store.
. Main category page
Once you click on a category on the left navigation menus, or enter a category ID to edit or create a new category, you will be first taken to the main category page. This page shows the categoryId which identifies this particular category, the type of the category, some content information associated with the category, and a primary parent category for this category.
. Category Type
The category type is used to define what actions are available for the category:
Catalog - standard product catalog category, with descriptive information and products.
Quick Add - products on these categories can be added all at once
. Detail template
The detail template is used to define the path of a freemarker template, relative to the ecommerce application component, used for displaying this category's information to visitors. This allows different product categories to have completely different presentations and is a very helpful feature.
. Primary category
The primary parent category defines the primary parent of a category. Note that this will not automatically add the current category as a child of the parent category — that has to be done in the 'Rollup' tab. It seems that the information provided here is not currently used by Open for Business applications, but it is available for your own applications.
. (Category) Content
The content tab is used to associate content created and managed by the content management application with product categories. The page is intentionally very similar to the content tab for products. Currently, only description and long description are managed in the content tab, but, conceivably, at some point images and other descriptive information will be available here as well.
. Rollup
Category 'rollups' are used to define parent/child relationships between product categories. This screen is split between 'parent' and 'child; categories. For example, if you have categories of Clothing, Men's Clothing, and Suits, then Clothing would be in the parent section of Men's Clothing, and Suits would be in the child section. The 'sequence' field is a sequence number which can be used to order the child categories for display.
. (Category) Products
This tab will show all the products which are members of this category. Each product is identified by its product ID, and you can click on the product ID to go to this product. The sequence number is used for ordering the products for display.
. (Category) Catalogs
This tab shows what product catalogs this category is related to. For most product categories, this page should be blank, as only a few categories should be related to product catalogs.

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