Table of Contents



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Qualifications

Usage - Use the Qualifications screen to create or update a qualification. When the qualification opens the first 20 qualifications are displayed in the Search Results. Use Search Options to refine the search.


  • Party Id - Limits the list to a single person or organization.

  • Qualification - The Qualification name.

  • From Date - The start date of the qualification.

  • Qualification Desc - A user defined description of the qualification.

  • Title - A user defined title for the qualification

  • Status - One of completed, deferred or incomplete may be used to indicate if state of the qualification for the party.

  • Verify Status - Indicates if the validity of the qualification has be checked or not.

  • Thru Date - The end date of the qualification i.e. The expiration date of a drivers license


  • New Party Qualification button: Click open the screen to create a new qualification for a person or organization.

  • Find button: Click for a list of qualifications. Displays a list of qualifications in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Party Id column button: Click to open the person or organizations profile screen.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the qualification. The qualification is deleted and can not be restored.



    Instead of deleting a qualification it is better to set the thru date.

  • Submit button: Click to save changes in the list above the button.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Qualifications > Click New Party Qualification

Usage - Use this screen to add a qualification to a person or organization.


  • Party Id - Limits the list to a single person or organization.

  • Qualification - The Qualification name.

  • From Date - The start date of the qualification.

  • Qualification Desc - A user defined description of the qualification.

  • Title - A user defined title of the qualification

  • Status - One of completed, deferred or incomplete may be used to indicate if state of the qualification for the party.

  • Verify Status - Indicates if the validity of the qualification has be checked.

  • Thru Date - The end date of the qualification i.e. The expiration date of a drivers license

Action Click Create to add a qualification to a person or organization. The qualification will appear in the party Qualities screen and Qualities Search Results list


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