Apache OFBiz™ delivers a rich feature set for charity management, e-commerce, manufacturing, project management and retail and trade. It can be used in organisations in all sectors and of all sizes in any country.
For more information on the features, visit the OFBiz Features page.
Learning About OFBiz
Getting Started for Developers
Getting Started for Business Users
Click here when you want to find out where events take place that might include participation of OFBiz contributors. The list also includes past events where OFBiz contributors have participated in.
Project Administration
This wiki describes how our project is managed and contains (amongst other elements) the reports from the Chair of our PMC to the board of the ASF regarding the health of our project.
This wiki can be accessed here.
Technical Documentation
The Technical documentation wiki is the first, and most complete place, for contributors looking to work on the technical aspects of OFBiz. It contains technical documentation and development co-ordination information.
Requirements and Design
The design requirements for your project will differ from those of others, because yours will apply to your specific problem statement and the product, system, or experience that you are designing. A wiki for gathering and discussing requirements and design for Apache OFBiz.
End User Documentation
There is an ongoing effort to build end user documentation using the content management features of OFBiz itself. See the Online help on OFBiz demonstration site
There is also a wiki with some end user documentation and another (stopped?) effort in OFBENDUSER at End User Documentation page
Old Wiki
An older OFBiz wiki that hasn't been changed since 2007 can be found at (use the Page Index and your browser find capability to look for something as search does not work any more).