Prof. Dušan Sakulski of the South African SKA project made this very interesting survey. Please consider adding a response from your own experience and then simply adding another table after that:


Your experience implementing the Apache OODT




Scalability - Data demand



Scalability - Data size



Scalability - High-speed data transfers



Scalability - Storage expandability



Ability to store an object-based file system



Scalability - Allowing for future growth



Data integrity



Ability to be used by different OSs



Different web services that may need to be interfaced with OODT.



Ability to search for data than could be spread across different geographical locations



Allow data to be held in a particular Data Model



Allows distributed administration



To be compatible with Resource Management Platforms (such as Openstack)



Data transfers must have the ability to resume after a hardware failure has been rectified



Support and maintenance



A number of dependences required for OODT to run, including software libraries and network connectivity



Open and standard protocols



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