Steps to create a Pull Request

  1. Create a JIRA issue here (e.g., OODT-xxx where xxx is the issue ID)
  2. Sign up and login to Github
  3. Fork the Apache OODT repository ( /
  4. Clone your repository(eg git clone
  5. Edit files
  6. git commit -a m "OODT-xxx my fix for issue xyz"
  7. git push
  8. Then go back to github and create a pull request(


Steps to create a patch file


  1. Create a JIRA issue here (e.g., OODT-xxx where xxx is the issue ID)
  2.  Check out source code (e.g., git clone
  3.  Edit files (e.g., src/main/bin/url-downloader)
  4.  git status (make sure it shows things have changed)
  5.  git commit -a -m "OODTxxx my commit to fix xyz"
  6.  git show HEAD > OODT-xxx.yourname.yyMMdd.patch (e.g., yyMMdd is the date)
  7.  Attach your patch file obtained from step #4 to issue at step #0 (e.g.,

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