Test execution:

1. Existing feature on 3 APP testing - Ongoing

We have assigned 998(853 as of 2/14) test executions to about 42 volunteers, and completed about 56.0%(45.8% as of 3/10) in execution (654 test executions done, 535 as of 2/14). We have executed 120 test cases since Feb 14 with 3 more test execution volunteers.

    Total    Not Run    Passed    Failed    Blocked    Completed [%]       

Debian Linux 64bit    56    7    36    10    3    87.5       

MacOS X    209    81    95    20    7    61.24       

Redhat Linux 32bit    69    66    1    2    0    4.35       

Redhat Linux 64bit    277    121    110    42    4    56.32       

Ubuntu Linux 64bit    167    37    95    30    5    77.84       

Windows 7    209    102    82    22    3    51.2       

Windows 8    182    101    62    19    0    44.51       

Total    1169    515    481    145    22    56.0    


Defect summary:

1. Complete verifcation for 44 resolved bugs which were identified to verify before beta candidate release, several reopened bugs are resolved and need verification again


Issues & quality highlight:

1. Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta(based on release branch AOO410, revision 1573601) is released after successfully votes

2. We do not complete FVT on schedule. From above execution statistic, the coverage on Linux, Mac and Windows is with balance, the low execution rate on Linux 32bit is not critical as low priority on platform Linux 32bit

3. We still need to run left test executions in FVT, especially on Windows 8 and Ubuntu Linux 64


Volunteer status:

1. No new test execution volunteers(total 42 so far) joined on FVT execution work since Feb 14

2. Need defect volunteers to check regression bugs in Bugzilla


Plan for next week:

1. Call for defect volunteers to check 4.1 regression bugs in Bugzilla

2. Continue to do FVT test on Mac, Linux and Windows

3. Remind some test execution volunteers to complete their assignments or do reassignment


Thank you all for effort this week, we finally release the AOO 4.1 Beta. We cannot make it out without your contribution!



Yu Zhen

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