Goal of going Agile:

  • The Developers of the Open Office Project gain a more transparent view on the current activities in the project.
  • New Volunteers can identify topics that they can start on.
    • Quickly included to existing Developers
    • can pick up work without long debate


Current Conscent to achieve the goals:

  • Use BZ for the development work (e.g, fixing a specific bug).
  • Work in Jira for the project tasks and technical coordination (e.g., Windows signing).
  • Use Confluence for project work and as documentation base.
  • Take the Agile Board functions in Jira if it fits for us.
  • Also we can see what we need to do to claim "We are working along  Kanban rules".


Next steps

Quote Andrea's suggestion

I think the only reasonable way forward is that Peter chooses one of the many available tasks (digital signatures? Java 9 support? MSVC update? .docx export? you name it) and experiments the workflow limited to it. Even if it is a relatively small project, one can decompose it in many subtasks: none of these is "too simple" for an experiment.

This way the rest of the project can continue as always, while we have a proof of concept that can involve volunteers and so on. Once the proof of concept is completed, it can serve as a model for expanding it.

Otherwise my feeling is that we will waste too much time discussing the theory and making it perfect, but getting nowhere in practice.



Acceptance Criteria:


  • No labels