The purpose of the following table is to provide a schedule plan for a new release planning.

It is desired for a new major release (x.y like 4.1) but it could be also used for a minor release (x.y.z like 4.1.1).



Please do not fill the template with data for a new release but copy & paste it and create a new page.


Phases and steps in scheduleDateResponsibleComment
Feature freeze   
  • Start
  • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
  • Update version / milestone / build ID data in SVN
    • e.g., "4.1.0" --> "4.2.0"
  • Create new branch in SVN for the new release
  • Create Release Notes (RN) in Confluence Wiki

String freeze

  • Start
?NL community 
    • Update RN with new languages
?Release Manager 
    • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 

Translation phase

  • Changes in strings for the application UI and Help as well as for dictionaries
  • Start
?NL community 
  • End
?NL community 
  • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 

Code freeze

  • Start
    • Start release blocker mode (aka show stopper mode)
?Release Manager 
    • Commit changes to reflect the upcoming release:
      • Version number, build ID, build date+time, copyright year
?Release Manager 
    • Update all bundled dictionaries
?L10N list 
    • Update RN with latest changes
?All people 
    • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
Beta ReleaseDateResponsibleComment
  • Build the RC
?Release Manager 
?Release Manager 
  • Start vote
?Release Manager 
  • Announce vote on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
  • Start Beta testing phase
  • Update RN with latest changes
?All people 
  • Start translating RN
?NL community 
  • Announce it on dev@ (+ qa@, l10n@)
?Release Manager 
  • End Beta testing phase
  • Announce vote results on dev@ (+ qa@, l10n@)
?Release Manager 
  • Upload files to Apache Dist/SourceForge
    • Make sure to set the staging bit for the Beta directory
?Release Manager 
  • Update download scripting  – javascript  files in /download
    • See [1] in the next table below for details
  • Remind the release blocker mode
    • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
Release CandidateDateResponsibleComment
  • Build the RC
?Release Manager 
  • Update Wiki page to make the files available
?Release Manager 
  • Start vote
?Release Manager 
  • Announce vote on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
  • Start RC testing phase
  • Update RN with latest changes
?All people 
  • Update translating RN
?NL community 
  • Announce it on dev@ (+ qa@, l10n@)
?Release Manager 
  • End RC testing phase
  • End vote (date *and* time in UTC timezone)
?Release Manager 
  • Announce vote results on dev@ (+ qa@, l10n@)
?Release Manager 

General Availability

  • Prepare
    • Upload files to Apache Dist/SourceForge
      • Make sure to set the staging bit for the RC directory
?Release Manager 
    • Update download scripting
      • See [2] in the next table below for details
    • Verify RN if all is correct
?All people 
  • Public Announcement of GA
    • Announce it on announce@, dev@
?Release Manager 




After release job

  • Update data in Bugzilla:
    • Add/modify values for:
      • "Version", "Target milestone", "Release blocker flag", "Last Confirmation on"
?BZ Admin 
  • Update version / milestone / build ID data in SVN:
    • e.g., "4.1.0" --> "4.2.0"
  • Update "" homepage:
    • Create new blog and/or news entry
    • Update news entry on homepage
    • Update headline below the logo
  • Create a "kid" build:
    • This helpful and often asked for translation testing.
    • Announce it on dev@, qa@, l10n@
?Release Manager 
[1] Beta Release:
Update download scripting (main download area)

Object properties / variables

Value exampleComment
  • "globalvars.js":
    • Add the new version data,


"X.Y.Z Beta"

Add the basic data for the new release.
    • Language data - update if needed:
      • Insert the data in the correct order for the new languages.


"English name", "native name", "ISO code"Used to fill the drop-down-box.
    • Enable the Beta Release.
BETA_ACTIVE1Make the download links for the Beta release visible.
  • "release_matrix.js":
    • Add a new array for the new release.
    • Add new languages Is the file for the respective platform available (y/n) ?
    • Add the file sizes for every file.
    • Verify that the data is complete and in the correct order for the new languages.


For an example please have a look for a previous version.

Also look at the comments on top of the file.

Add the data for new languages.

Get the file sizes from
  • "download.js":
    • Add data for the new version in the "switch()" statement in the following object methods:
      • DL.isLanguageSupported
      • DL.getFileData

case "x.y.z" :



For an example please have a look for a previous version. 
  • "languages.js":
    • Move new languages to the top part of "DL.language_matrix".
    • Add new languages if not available in the bottom part. Check for ISO code, English name and native name.
DL.language_matrixSee current file. Used in fallback selection based on navigator.language. 

[2] Release Candidate:
Update download scripting (main download area)

Object properties / variablesValue exampleComment
  • "globalvars.js":
    • Add the new version data.


Use the value from the previous version.

Add the basic data for the new release.
    • Language data - update if needed:
      • Insert the data in the correct order for the new languages.


"English name", "native name", "ISO code"Used to fill the drop-down-box.
    • Disable the Beta Release.
BETA_ACTIVE-1Make the download links for the Beta release invisible.
  • "release_matrix.js":
    • Add a new array for the new release.
    • Add new languages Is the file for the respective platform available (y/n) ?
    • Add the file sizes for every file.
    • Verify that the data is complete and in the correct order for the new languages.

For an example please have a look for a previous version.

Also look at the comments on top of the file.

Add the data for new languages.

Get the file sizes from

  • "download.js":
    • Add data for the new version in the "switch()" statement in the following object methods:
      • DL.isLanguageSupported
      • DL.getFileData

case "x.y.z" :



For an example please have a look for a previous version. 
  • "languages.js":
    • Move new languages to the top part of "DL.language_matrix".
    • Add new languages if not available in the bottom part. Check for ISO code, English name and native name.

'ca', 'Catalan', 'Català'
'ca-XR', 'Catalan', 'Català (Valencià RACV)'
'ca-XV', 'Catalan (Valencian)', 'Català (Valencià AVL)'

See current file. Used in fallback selection based on navigator.language.
[3] New Release:
Update download scripting (NL download areas)
Object properties / variablesValue exampleComment
  • ".../xx/download/brand.mdtext":
    • Modify the data to reflect the new release.

New: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 released!
New: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 released!

Change the announcement text and link.
  • ".../xx/download/msg_properties_l10n_xx.js":
    • Add new languages and the new version.


Catalan [Valencia AVL]
Catalan [Valencia RACV]


Add new languages with localized strings. They have to be in the same order as they would appear in the main English drop-down-box. Otherwise the wrong language is offered in the download links.

Add also new version item.

    • Add new method name and value for the link to the release notes.


l10n.dl_rel_notes_aoo411_link new link for release notes.
  • No labels