Attendees: Matt, Jesus, Dave Grove, Raymond, Rob, Vincent, Carlos, Markus, Mark D., James, Villard, Vadim, Dan McSweeney, Chetan, Dan Krook, Rodric, Himavanth, Jeremias, Kerry, Martin, Olivier, Sandeep, Priti
  • Carlos is moderating today
  • last meeting was 2018-01-17
Introductions of new attendees
  • Vincent will discuss tooling to help cut releases
  • Dave willl cover Kube udpates
  • general status of repos. / cron builds (nightly)
Open comments on status/updates in a few areas:
  • Main/core OpenWhisk (Carlos reviewing PRs since last mtg. ~2 weeks)
    • Rodric/James created more docs on Docker actions, blog post in medium
      • Using Docker skeleton
      • More runtimes? Bash, Perl, Cobol?
      • Max payload args. (stdin) now support 1MB or more
    • Enabled new views (Cloudant/CouchDB views)
      • can do a “count=true” and just get a # (not an exhaustive listing
      • Limit bug fixed (0..100) defaukt #, can paginate now
      • Init time / wait time data now available
      • CLI, log reduction
      • dynamic enable white listing for users (using headers for a namespace) = more log info
    • Alpine (Ctrlr & invoker) now based upon Alpine not Ubuntu
    • “Go” formatting added to many repos.
  • Release process (Vincent)
    • incubator-openwhisk-release (repo)
    • Vincent shows presentation… 
    • Carlos indicates source ZIP is only required for VOTE on release
      • on the ZIP archive, signed with PGP
      • may need jenkins integration (signed with PGP key)
      • Travis can be used, but signing with PGP key trust (committer key) that we trust
    • Carlos staging in Apache (exists already) src/tgz is pushed there… with name including RC1, RC2 etc.
    • James looks great…
      • question on releases at Apache, how do we decide what is in the release?
    • Carlos: maybe create blog post to announce “release is coming up”
    • Matt: but we really do not have a release schedule, anyone can ask on mailing list
    • Carlos: we can make a rule going forward
      • mailing list important to communicate/coordinate content/PRs and work towards some release.
    • Vadim: each release must be voted?
    • Carlos: once source candidate is created, we can vote in mailing lists (anyone can vote +1 and -1)
      • Matt; will confirm/count vote totals, PPMC will 
    • Carlos: Apache incubator mailing list must then confirm release/vote (need 3 votes)
    • Vadim: looks like manual steps, how can we fully automate pipeline better? for vote? but it seems we have to follow manual vote process.
    • Carlos: tgx source file needs 72 hours for voting in mailing list; totally different from images/binaries/nightly
  • CLI
    • Some new IBM contribs supporting PowerPC (architecture binaries), learning repos…. give them help
    • using gradle for building now, cleanup by James
  • Kubernetes:
    • Dave Grove:
      • Small update (slides with summary of status)
        • “OpenWhisk on Kube is real” need to get the message out, please help
      • Works on MiniKube and IBM Cloud container service
      • happy to accept PRs for other kube providers
      • default deployment setup is equivalent to Ansible setup/config you get from OW master/core
      • Kube containerFactoryProvider (Ben RedHat) PR-3219
      • Dave working on WIP for load testing jobs on a branch
      • OW proxy agent is being tested/coded
      • Looking to add support for suspend/resume operations (on invoker containers)
  • Mesos:
    • None today
  • API Gateway
  • Catalog/Packages/Samples
    • None today
  • Tooling/Utilities
Topics / agenda items
Confirm moderator for next call (i.e., Wed. Nov 8th)
  • Vadim volunteers. for Feb. 14th meeting



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