
  • Rodric is moderating today

  • Last meeting was: on 2019-11-13 (Tyson)

  • Attendees: Dan, Bill, Markus, Neeraj, Dominic, Tyson, Matt, Rodric

  • Meeting video: TBD

  • Presentation: 191204-apache openwhisk.pdf

Scheduled Topics:

  • PR review
    • Dan explained approach for encrypted parameter (keep it simple, acceptable security profile)
    • Markus gave update on road to Scala 2.13
    • Java 11: Markus accept it, no need for details GC study, Dan agreed, Rodric noted recent upgrade to 11 as well seems fine
    • Treat more "errors" as application errors which keep container around: Markus emphasized only kill container if a new container likely to fix issue
    • CPU limit - not ready
    • Web action projections - ready
  • Release plans
  • Formalize process for OpenWhisk enhancements

    • Adopt a model similar to KEPs
    • Create more visibility for proposals, and foster engagment
    • Markus: good idea, we have been too ad hoc on this front
    • Rodric: have an interest in doing this because we'd like to share some work we're doing that we'd like to engage community on as well.
  • Meeting time
    • Unfortunately meeting time is not convenient for Asia community.
  • Next meetings:
    • Dan agreed to moderate the next call which will be Wed January 8 2020 at 10am.

  • No labels